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  1. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree sets forth the modalities of land tenure of rural inhabited areas, in particular establishing land-use planning guidelines related to residential construction and provision of urban amenities. Expropriation and allotment of land of rural inhabited areas shall be performed by decision of local government. Land tenure and development of rural inhabited areas shall be performed in conformity with land-use planning scheme.

  2. Library Resource
    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The President of the Supreme Soviet decrees to put into effect Land Code from 1 December 1990 while the Articles 37-40 shall be put into effect from 1 January 1991. Till the conformation of land legislation to Land Code land legislation currently in force shall be applicable to the extent of compliance thereof with Land Code. As regards land relations originated before 1 December 1990 Land Code shall be applicable to the rights and the duties coming into effect after the entry into force of Land Code.

    Implements: Land Code. (1990)

  3. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The Premier decrees that beginning from 1 January 2016 allotment of land plots for farming and expropriation thereof shall be performed by decision of local government in accordance with the opinions expressed by territorial councils of farmers and commissions for examination of applications for allotment of land plots for farming.

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree validates the Regulation on experimental allotment on unused land and land of marginally profitable or unprofitable agricultural enterprises to citizens on condition of life-long hereditary possession. The aforesaid land shall be used for agricultural purposes. The dimensions of land area shall be established with the consideration of local conditions but shall not exceed 5 hectares for irrigated areas and 15 hectares for non-irrigated areas.

  5. Library Resource


    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree establishes the modalities of land-use planning in urban areas. It includes also afforestation in urban areas. Land-use planning in urban areas shall be exclusive competence of the local self-government that must ensure organization and implementation of land-use planning in accordance with sanitary norms and regulations. Land-use planning includes creation of green areas, amenity forests and protection forests in urban areas. Deployment of waterworks and urban irrigation systems shall be integral part of land-use planning activity.

  6. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree establishes that State geodetic inspection shall be authorized state institution performing supervision over compliance with technical requirements and standards related to geodetic and cartographic activity and mapping of the state boundaries. State supervision over land tenure and land protection shall be performed with a view of enforcement of land legislation and compliance of natural and legal persons with legislative provisions of land legislation.

  7. Library Resource

    ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ КАБИНЕТА МИНИСТРОВ РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН 16 февраля 1998 N 69 Об утверждении Положения об охранных зонах и охране геодезических пунктов на территории Республики Узбекистан.

    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree sets forth the modalities for protecting survey control points, stipulating that a protection zone shall be the plot of land on which the survey control point is located plus one meter in each direction. Any activity that may damage or alter the location of the survey control point or hamper its functionality shall be prohibited. In case of necessity servitude shall be applied in accordance with the modalities established by civil legislation.

  8. Library Resource

    ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ об Инспекции по государственному контролю за использованием и охраной земель.

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree establishes that land inspection shall be autonomous institution within the State Land Cartographic Committee. Land inspection shall carry out the following tasks: (a) enforcement of land legislation; (b) detection of unused or irrationally used land; (c) supervision over quality of land monitoring; (d) supervision over soil improvement arrangements; and (e) coordination of land survey.

  9. Library Resource

    Зарегистрировано в Министерстве юстиции Кыргызской Республики 15 сентября 1998 года регистрационный номер 17 Утверждено Госземкартографии КР от 1 сентября 1998 года № 72 ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ об инспекторах по контролю за использованием и охране земель.

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    The purpose of this Decree is to improve control over land protection and conservation. The aforesaid control shall be carried out either by state land inspectors or by social land inspectors. The latter shall be volunteers selected from the personnel of local self-government, state institutions and organizations aware of land legislation.

  10. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree establishes the modalities of compensation of damages to natural and legal persons for expropriation of land plots for state and public needs. Expropriation of land plots shall be performed by local government in case of consent by land owner or by coordination with land tenant or lease holder. In case of lack of the aforesaid consent expropriation can be appealed in court. Decision on land expropriation shall be made in conformity with general land-use planning scheme and in accordance with detailed residential housing construction plan.

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