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  1. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Act makes provision for private, collective, and state property. The text consists of 25 articles divided into 5 Parts: General Regulations (I); Citizens' Property (II); Collective Property (III); The State Property (IV); Guarantees, Protection and Restrictions of the Proprietary Rights (V).The right of ownership, is recognized and protected by law (art. 1). Article 2 lists the objects of the right of ownership. Also persons not admitted to the citizenship of the Kazakh SSR may be subjects of the right of ownership (art. 3).

  2. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Majlis Oli (Parliament) decrees to make the following amendments: In the issue “a” of the first part of the Article 17, third and sixth parts of the article 31, second part of the Article 70 and in the Article 73 the wording “Attestation on the right of land use” must be substituted with the wording “Certificate of the right of land use”.

    Amends: Land Code No. of 1996. (2008-01-05)

  3. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The purpose of introduction of land charges is the creation of conditions for the rational use of lands, the protection and development, increase soil fertility, equalizing of the social-economic managing conditions on the lands of different quality. The use of land in the Republic of Tajikistan is chargeable. The payment for land is levied annually from land users in the form of the land tax and leasing fee. The document consists of 11 Articles. Article 1 establishes chargeable use of land. Article 2 regards establishment of the land tax.

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The Supreme Soviet, for the purpose of improvement of the legislation, decrees to introduce the following amendments and addenda to the Law on Land reform: 1. In the first, second and third parts of the article 5 the wording “State Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan on Land Reform and Land Survey”, must be substituted by the following wording “State Land Surveying Service attached to the Ministry of Agriculture”. 2.

  5. Library Resource

    Закон Республики Узбекистан ОБ ИПОТЕКЕ.

    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The purpose of this Law shall be to regulate of the relations originating from the application of mortgage of immovable property. Mortgage shall be classified in two types: (a) mortgage by contract (contractual mortgage); and (b) mortgage by law (legislative mortgage). Mortgage shall be applicable to the right of hereditary lifelong possession of the plots of agricultural land for farming and to the right of lease of plots of land (Art. 6). Lessee shall have the right to transfer land lease rights without lessor’s consent only in cases envisaged by law (Art. 54).

  6. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН О товариществах частных собственников жилья

    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The purpose of this Law shall be to regulate relations in the sphere of setting up and functioning of condominiums as voluntary associations of citizens multi-family dwelling located of the plot of land pertaining to common property. State support of condominiums shall be exercised in the form of allotment of the plots of land in open-ended use. Construction on the plots of land pertaining to condominiums shall be carried out in accordance with legislation on land use planning.

  7. Library Resource

    З А К О Н ТУРКМЕНИСТАНА О Генгеше (новая редакция) (С изменениями и дополнениями внесенным Законами Туркменистана от 28.06.2007 г. № 128-Ш и 23.10.2008 г. № 233-Ш).

    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law regulates the functioning of local government related to urban and rural administration, defining plenary powers thereof and its relations with other state bodies. Local government shall be guided in its activity by jurisdictional competence, legality, collegiality and transparency. Information related to decisions taken by local government shall be made generally available. The sphere of competence of the local government shall include rational use of natural resources, environmental protection, land-use planning and urban and peri-urban agriculture.

  8. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law defines the main provisions on mortgage. Property connected with land and classified by the legislation as immovable property can be object of mortgage in accordance with mortgage agreement. When edifices, buildings and structures are mortgaged, the right of usage of land plot, on which above‑said object are located, becomes the subject of mortgage simultaneously. In such cases the right of usage of land plot is transferred simultaneously to an acquirer (buyer) of edifice, building or structure when compensation from the subject of mortgage is claimed.

  9. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ от 14 июля 2011 года № 96 О местной государственной администрации (В редакции Законов КР от 25 ноября 2011 года № 220, 17 марта 2012 года № 20, 16 июля 2012 года № 114, 3 августа 2012 года № 149 , 10 августа 2012 года №...

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law establishes and regulates the modalities of organization and functioning of local government. Local government shall exercise executive power at local level. Local government shall carry out the following tasks: (a) management of public property; (b) coordination and performance of the arrangements for prevention of emergencies and disasters, and mitigation of the consequences thereof; and (c) transfer of agricultural land to other land categories.

    Repealed by: Law No. 101 “On local government”. (2014-02-18)

  10. Library Resource

    Закон Республики Казахстан от 16.04.1997 N 94-1 "О ЖИЛИЩНЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЯХ".

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Law regulates relations regarding housing facilities, including plots of land pertaining to common property of condominiums. In case of demolition of residential building because of expropriation for public needs of the plot of land on which it was located the owner shall have the right to another residential space or compensation at his choice (art. 15). Transfer of residential space shall entail transfer of land ownership (land tenure) rights to a new owner (art. 19).

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