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  1. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил и режима использования земель, включенных в пригородную зону города Астаны и городов республиканского значения Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 18 декабря 2003 года N 1269

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes that urban land use planning shall be carried out in accordance with land zoning schemes. Agricultural land of the suburban areas shall be used for agricultural purposes. Expropriation of agricultural land shall be carried out in exceptional cases by the local executive bodies. Green belt areas shall be classifies as forest land.

  2. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил организации и проведения торгов (конкурсов, аукционов) по продаже земельного участка или права аренды земельного участка Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 13 ноября 2003 года N 1140

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree shall be applicable to land auctions regarding sale of the plots of public land or the lease right thereto and regarding the plots of non-allotted public land. Kazakhstan nationals and private legal persons shall be authorized to participate in land auctions prior registration while foreign natural and legal persons, and stateless persons shall be authorized to participate in land auctions exclusively if the aforesaid persons have the right to own or to have the right of lease of the plots of land destined for sale in accordance with land legislation.

  3. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил консервации земель Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 29 сентября 2003 года N 993

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the regulations on conservation of degraded agricultural land and land infected with pests and plant diseases with a view of soil rehabilitation. It shall not be applicable to disturbed land allotted for mining and mineral extraction. Identification and localization of degraded, polluted and disturbed land, and the plots of land infected with pests and plant diseases shall be carried out by the local executive body on request of landowner or land tenant.

  4. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил ведения государственного земельного кадастра в Республике Казахстан Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 20 сентября 2003 года N 958

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of keeping the state land cadastre, land registration and granting access to information thereof. The purpose of keeping the state land cadastre shall be to provide the state institutions, natural and legal persons with general information on land and on particular plots of land. Registration and storage data unit shall be the information on a single detached plot of land. The cadastre shall contain data on landowners and land tenants.

  5. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил ведения мониторинга земель и пользования его данными в Республике Казахстан Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 19 сентября 2003 года N 956

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the structure and rules and regulations as regards land monitoring and the use of data related thereto. Land monitoring shall include survey, mapping and land valuation. Land monitoring shall be subdivided into: (a) monitoring of agricultural land; (b) monitoring of urban land; (c) monitoring of industrial land; (d) monitoring of protected areas; (e) monitoring of forest land; (f) monitoring of land under waterbodies; and (g) monitoring of reserve land.

  6. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил отнесения земель к особо охраняемым природным территориям и резервирования земель под эти территории Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 8 сентября 2003 года N 910

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Ministerial Decree establishes that classification of land as protected area shall be the competence of the Government. Land use planning project with a view of land classification as protected area at the local level shall be submitted for approval to the territorial environmental, agricultural and land institutions. Expropriation of the plots of land destined for the annexation to protected areas shall be carried out in accordance with the land legislation. Land reservation for protected areas shall be carried out in accordance with the decision by the head of local administration.

  7. Library Resource

    Об установлении базовых ставок платы за земельные участки при их предоставлении в частную собственность, при сдаче государством или государственными землепользователями в аренду, а также размера платы за продажу права аренды земельных участков...

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes basic prices for the plots of land for the concession thereof into private ownership (Annexes 1 and 2) and basic land charges for the plots of public land conceded on lease that must be equal to land tax. Annual rent rate shall be calculated as 100-120% of the basic land lease rate.

  8. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    For the purpose of improving legal land relationships, introducing the market of land use rights and ensuring stable functioning thereof, and creating an efficient lending system in agriculture, the President orders a series of measures with respect to the sale and registration of land, and the sale of land rights deriving from the Agricultural Land Fund. A Committee for Sale Rights to Use Land Parcels of the Agricultural Land Redistribution Fund shall be created at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

  9. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    In order to remove the violations in calculation and payment of the rents, in regulation of the use of the land plots of the Agricultural Lands Redistribution Reserve under the Ministry of agriculture and water economy of the Kyrgyz Republic the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic hereby decrees that seed production and cattle breeding farms, dairy farms having not less than 10 milk cows using the lands of Agricultural Lands Redistribution Reserve under the Ministry of agriculture and water economy of the Kyrgyz Republic shall be free from rent and shall pay only the land tax.

  10. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    With the object of stabilizing an economic situation of agrarian and industrial branch, the Government of the Republic of Kyrghyzstan states: to retain for the period of time till 1996 free use (with no rent) of pasture plots allocated by farms for remote livestock-breeding outside their administrative boundaries on the territory of other rayons and oblasts of the Republic of Kyrghyzstan; to determine that kolkhozes, sovkhozes and other agricultural enterprises using remote pasture plots on the territory of other rayons shall annually deposit land tax to the special accounts of the state ad

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