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  1. Library Resource

    Правительство Республики Таджикистан ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 26 июля 2000 № 318 г. Душанбе О внесении изменений и дополнений в Положение о государственном контроле за использованием и охраной земель в Республике Таджикистан

    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Item 1.3 shall acquire a new wording: “State control over use and protection of land shall be carried out by the Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey, its territorial bodies and by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The aforesaid bodies shall carry out their functions through mutual cooperation.” Item 3.1 shall be supplemented with the following paragraphs: “4. irregular decisions on expropriation and allotment of the plots of land shall be suspended until the examination of claims by economic court”; “5.

  2. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ О внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные акты Кыргызской Республики

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    Item 1 of the Article 6 of Land Code shall acquire a new wording: “Plot of land can be the object of purchase and sale, gift, exchange, mortgage and other commercial transactions and can be transferred as succession with restrictions imposed by this Code.” Item 5 of the Article 6 of Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on effectuation of the Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic shall acquire a new wording: “5.

  3. Library Resource

    О некоторых вопросах министерств Республики Казахстан и Агентства Республики Казахстан по управлению земельными ресурсами Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 2 августа 2006 года N 730

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree introduces the following amendments to the Ministerial Decree No. 14 validating the Regulation on the Agency on land resources: (a) item 11 shall acquire a new wording “11. The main functions of the Agency shall be carrying out common state policy in the sphere of land resources, regulation of land relations, geodesy and cartography, land use planning, the state geodetic supervision and the protection of the information related thereto.”

    Amends: Ministerial Decree No. 14 validating the Regulation on the Agency on land resources. (2005-01-14)

  4. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Положения Агентства Республики Казахстан по управлению земельными ресурсами Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 14 января 2005 года N 14

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree sets up the authorized state institution Agency on land resources as licensing and supervision authority in the sphere of land resources. The main functions of the Agency shall be: (a) regulation of land relations, geodesy and cartography; (b) land survey; (c) land monitoring and keeping the state land cadastre; (d) land use planning and zoning; and (e) mapping.

  5. Library Resource

    О лицензировании Закон Республики Казахстан от 11 января 2007 года N 214

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Law regulates relations regarding licensing of some activities. It shall not be applicable to the issuance of licences related to licensing agreement between natural and legal persons. The Act consists of seven Chapters divided into 52 Articles: (1) general provisions; (2) the state licensing system; (3) types of activity; (4) licensing of import and export; (5) licensing terms and conditions; (6) renewal, cancellation and suspension of licences; and (7) final provisions. Licensing terms and conditions shall be equal for all persons complying with the established requirements.

  6. Library Resource

    О внесении изменений и признании утратившими силу некоторых решений Правительства Республики Казахстан Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 4 декабря 2006 года N 1164

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    In the Regulation on the modalities of concession of subsoil in lease in sub-issue 3 of the issue 30 the wording “and the mining inspection” shall be repealed.

    Amends: Ministerial Decree No. 108 of 2000 regarding the validation of the Regulation on the modalities of concession of subsoil in lease. (2000-01-21)

  7. Library Resource

    О внесении изменений в постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 19 июля 2006 года N 688 Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 10 ноября 2006 года N 1073 "Казахстанская правда" от 14 ноября 2006 года N 247 (25218)

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    Issue 4 shall acquire a new wording: “Local branches of the authorized land institution shall inform within two days from the date of decision-making regarding amnesty of immovable property of the necessity to submit documentation for the issuance of ownership certificate for the legalized plot of land.”

    Amends: Ministerial Decree No. 688 on land registration. (2006-07-19)

  8. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил резервирования земельных участков, предназначенных для создания и расширения особо охраняемых природных территорий республиканского и местного значения Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 29 сентября 2006 года...

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree regards reservation of the plots of land for setting up and expansion of the regional and local protected areas which shall be carried out in accordance with the program of the development of protected areas and ecological networks by decision of the regional and local executive powers. Territorial branches of authorized environmental institution shall draw up proposals and submit application to the local executive powers regarding reservation of the plots of land destined for protected areas.

  9. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил ведения государственного кадастра особо охраняемых природных территорий в Республике Казахстан Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 13 сентября 2006 года N 862

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of keeping the state register of protected areas. The state register shall contain the following data: (a) governmental decision on setting up protected area; (b) descriptor of protected area; (c) naturalistic and scientific substantiation of setting up and expansion of protected area; (d) positive conclusion of the state environmental audit; (e) land, water, forest resources and wildlife species; and (f) protected species and protected sites.

  10. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил предоставления прав на земельные участки под индивидуальное жилищное строительство Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 1 августа 2006 года N 726 "Казахстанская правда" от 4 августа 2006 года N 186 (25157)

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of allotment free of charge to citizens for house-building of the plots of land of the total area of 0.10 ha. Recurring allotment of the plots of land free of charge to citizens for the aforesaid purpose shall be prohibited. Allotment of the plots of land into ownership to the foreign citizens and stateless persons shall be charged with the application of the use restrictions.

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