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  1. Library Resource

    Утверждено постановлением Правительства Республики Кыргызстан от 10 июля 1992 года N 316 ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ о землях промышленности, транспорта, связи, энергоснабжения и порядке их использования.

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes that industrial land shall be considered allocated to enterprises, organizations and institutions for realization of specific industrial purposes. Land survey service shall be the authorized state institution that shall allocate plots of land to the applicants in-situ. In order to ensure efficient functioning of industrial sites and works sanitary protection and protection areas with particular land tenure terms and conditions can be apportioned.

  2. Library Resource

    Правительство Республики Таджикистан ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 26 июля 2000 № 318 г. Душанбе О внесении изменений и дополнений в Положение о государственном контроле за использованием и охраной земель в Республике Таджикистан

    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Item 1.3 shall acquire a new wording: “State control over use and protection of land shall be carried out by the Committee on Land Resources and Land Survey, its territorial bodies and by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The aforesaid bodies shall carry out their functions through mutual cooperation.” Item 3.1 shall be supplemented with the following paragraphs: “4. irregular decisions on expropriation and allotment of the plots of land shall be suspended until the examination of claims by economic court”; “5.

  3. Library Resource

    Правительство Республики Таджикистан ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 26 июля 2000 года № 319 г. Душанбе О внесении изменений в Свидетельство на земельный пай утвержденное постановлением Правительства Республики Таджикистан от 27 июля 1998 года №244

    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    In the paragraph one the wording “within the boundaries” shall be substituted with the wording “represented in the outline №____on the land tenure map of the current year”. The wording “location map of the land share” shall be cancelled.

    Amends: Resolution concerning measures for the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan concerning realisation of the right to use land (No. 244 of 1998). (1998-07-27)

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Regulation determines the modalities of ensuring protection of geodetic points. Geodetic point consists of special centre, external identification mark and external design represented by a ditch or bank that is the external boundaries of a geodetic point. Protection zone of a geodetic point is a plot of land on which it is situated and the strip of land of the width of 1 metre adjoining the external boundary of the geodetic point.

  5. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Land in the Republic of Tajikistan is exclusive state property, and the state guarantees its efficient use in the interests of the population. One of the main ways of the agricultural development of the country is the improvement of the state of ameliorated land, organization of complete, rational and efficient use of available land and development of new lands. The Regulation consists of 18 Sections. Section 1 is a foreword. Section 2 regards land resources. Section 3 regards arable land. Section 4 regards perennial plants’ land. Section 5 regards hay-making and grazing land.

  6. Library Resource

    ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 2 августа 1996 года № 353 Об образовании государственных природных парков "Кара-Шоро" в Узгенском районе Ошской области и "Беш-Таш" в Таласском районе Таласской области.

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree, with a view of conservation of unique ecosystems and biosphere reserves, and organization of national and international recreational tourism, establishes to set up state national parks “Kara-Shoro” and “Besh-Tash” and transfer thereto forested land, shrubbery, pastures out of the stock of public land. This Ministerial Decree contains complete mapping and description of the boundaries of both national parks.

  7. Library Resource

    г. Бишкек, Дом Правительства от 4 июня 2002 года № 360 Постановление Правительства Кыргызской Республики Об утверждении Положения о порядке предоставления в аренду и использования пастбищ

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on allotment in lease and management of pastures, the form of contract on lease of the pasture areas for stockbreeding purpose, lease of pasture areas for other purposes, form of forest land plot usage permit for silvopastoralism. Pasture areas allotted before 16 June 1999 for long-term use shall remain in use of the lessees until 2025. Lessee shall have the right to use waterbodies in accordance with the established limits.

  8. Library Resource

    ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 5 июля 2011 года №361 Об утверждении Инструкции по безопасному использованию, хранению и складированию пестицидов в сельском хозяйстве.

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes general rules for environmental protection in the process of application, storage and transportation of pesticides and agrochemicals. It shall be compulsory for all natural and legal persons. Pesticides shall be classified as follows: (a) extremely hazardous; (b) highly hazardous; (c) moderately hazardous; and (d) low hazardous. Only officially registered pesticides shall be authorized for plant protection purposes.

  9. Library Resource

    ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 1 июля 2013 года № 390 Об утверждении Положения о регистрационных испытаниях и государственной регистрации пестицидов и агрохимикатов в Кыргызской Республике.

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the rules and modalities for registration testing of pesticides and agrochemicals and shall be used as guidelines for developers, registration authority and scientific research institutions participating in registration testing of pesticides.

  10. Library Resource

    ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 12 июля 2013 года № 407 Об утверждении границ Государственного природного парка "Чон-Кемин".

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    The Government, with a view of rational management of natural resources, conservation of biological and landscape diversity, decrees to transfer reserve land with total land area of 1068 ha, to the category of protected areas allocating it to the national park “Chon-Kemin”. State environmental protection agency shall perform zoning of the aforesaid land area. This Ministerial Decree contains the description of total territory of the national park “Chon-Kemin”.

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