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  1. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил оформления прав на земельные участки, легализованные в соответствии с Законом Республики Казахстан "Об амнистии в связи с легализацией имущества" Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 19 июля 2006 года N 688

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree shall be applicable to the plots of land legalized in accordance with the Law on property amnesty, located on the national territory the right of ownership and land use to which have not been registered in accordance with the national legislation.

  2. Library Resource

    Об утверждении форм документов, удостоверяющих право на земельный участок, внесении изменений и дополнений и признании утратившими силу некоторых решений Правительства Республики Казахстан Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 6 июня...

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Government decrees to validate the forms of the following land ownership certificates: (a) certificate of private ownership of a plot of land; (b) permanent land use certificate; (c) provisional charged (short-term, long-term) land use (lease); and (d) provisional free of charge land use.

    Amended by: Ministerial Decree No. 96 amending Ministerial Decree No. 511 validating the forms of the land ownership certificates. (2010-02-15)
    Repeals: Ministerial Decree No. 990 on the state supervision over land use and soil conservation. (2003-09-29)

  3. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    With a view to ensure purposeful and efficient land use, and also for the development of housing and mortgage market, the President decrees to authorize privatization by legal persons of land plots on which buildings and constructions are located from 1 January 2007. Long-term lease contracts applicable to the plots of land that have not been privatized in accordance with the above-mentioned modalities shall be subject to re-registration. Natural persons shall be authorized to privatize land plots allocated thereto for individual housing construction from 1 January 2008.

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The scope of this Law shall be keeping the state cadastres, collection and using of the cadastral information. The State cadastre is a component part of the uniform system of the state cadastres and represents the system of updatable information regarding geographic position, legal status quantitative, qualitative characteristics and valuation of natural, economic or other objects to which the state cadastre is applicable.

  5. Library Resource

    УКАЗ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН 10 октября 1998 г. № УП-2086 О введении единого земельного налога для сельскохозяйственных товаропроизводителей

    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The President, for the purpose of more efficient use of agricultural land and simplification of taxation decrees to introduce from 1 January 1999 single land tax for all the producers of agricultural commodities. The payers of single land tax shall be: (a) agricultural cooperatives (shirkats), farms and other producers of agricultural commodities except for dehkan farms. Single land tax shall be applicable to land area allotted on condition of possession, land use or lease for agricultural purposes.

  6. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Land is the public property and it shall not be liable to sale, exchange, donation, mortgage except for cases envisaged by the national legislation. Legal persons can manage land parcels on condition of land usufruct, permanent use, temporary use, and lease, while natural persons can manage land parcels on condition of lifelong hereditary land tenure, temporary land tenure and lease. Sublease of the plots of land conceded on lease shall be prohibited.

  7. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН 30 апреля 1998 г. № 600-I О сельскохозяйственном кооперативе (ширкате)

    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law sets forth legal grounds for setting up, functioning, reorganization and liquidation of agricultural cooperatives (shirkats), regulates the rights and the duties thereof, and also the interrelations with other legal and natural persons.

  8. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН 30 апреля 1998 г. № 602-I О фермерском хозяйстве

    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law sets forth legal grounds for setting up, functioning, reorganization and liquidation of peasant farms, regulates the rights and the duties thereof, and also the interrelations with other legal and natural persons.

  9. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН от 26 февраля 2007 года N 22 О внесении изменений и дополнений в Земельный кодекс Кыргызской Республики

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    The title of the Article 9 shall acquire a new wording: “The use of the plots of land for prospecting, exploration and subsoil management”.

  10. Library Resource

    Об утверждении Правил и режима использования земель, включенных в пригородную зону города Астаны и городов республиканского значения Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 18 декабря 2003 года N 1269

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes that urban land use planning shall be carried out in accordance with land zoning schemes. Agricultural land of the suburban areas shall be used for agricultural purposes. Expropriation of agricultural land shall be carried out in exceptional cases by the local executive bodies. Green belt areas shall be classifies as forest land.

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