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  1. Library Resource

    Об утверждении порядка залога земельных участков и прав землепользования в обеспечение ипотечных кредитов Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 6 июня 1996 г. N 711

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Ministerial Decree regulates mortgage of the plots of land and traditional land rights related to land based credits. Plots of land in private ownership, land rights and shares of a plot of land in joint ownership or in joint land tenure can be mortgaged. The following land categories shall not be mortgaged: (a) common land; (b) defence land; (c) protected areas; (d) public land allotted for temporary land tenure to the officials. Physical and non-governmental legal persons owning plots of land or exercising land rights thereto can be depositors.

  2. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. The document consists of VI Sections that contain 40 Articles. Section I lays down the general provisions. Section II regards the particulars of allocation of the plots of land for construction. Section III regards the particulars of concession in lease of the plots of land for farming. Section IV regards the particulars of concession of private ownership of the plots of land for personal subsidiary small-holding. Section V regards the particulars of concession of private ownership of the plots of land for individual housing.

  3. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Regulation consists of IX Sections subdivided into 32 Articles and contains 7 Annexes. Section I lays down the general provisions. Section II establishes the general provisions as regards the taxation of the users of subsoil. Section III determines the modalities of calculation and payment of the taxes and charges envisaged by Tax Legislation for the users of subsoil. Section IV deals with bonuses. Section V deals with royalties. Section VI determines the production share of the Republic of Kazakhstan that is considered a royalty imposed on the users of subsoil.

  4. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The plots of public land can be: 1) sold or transferred free of charge into private ownership; 2) transferred on condition of permanent of temporary land tenure; 3) transferred on other conditions regulated by legislative acts or international agreements. Ownership of land is represented by private property of citizens and non-governmental legal persons. The owner has the right of possession, tenancy and disposal of land pertaining to his ownership. The Regulation consists of 14 Sections and contains 8 Annexes. Section 1 lays down the general provisions.

  5. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Government decrees to validate the Regulation and the form of the land share certificate. The General Meetings of the collective farmers are recommended to be guided by this Regulation in the process of reformation of their collective farms. In the process of privatisation of the state agricultural enterprises, their workers are authorized to sell or transfer property shares and to let other members of the work collective have the proper land share on bilateral contractual basis for the use of these shares in agricultural production.

  6. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The necessity of transfer of agricultural land from one type into another is substantiated by natural factors and economic expediency of its further use within the stock of land. The transfer of land can be carried out on request of the land tenant forwarded to a local executive body. The transfer is carried out by the departments of the State Committee on Land and Land Survey. Agricultural land comprises arable land, fallow land, land covered by perennial plantations, hayfields and pastures.

    Implements: Presidential Decree No. 2717 of 1995 "On Land". (1995-12-22)

  7. Library Resource
    October, 1996
    Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Russia

    The Government decrees to validate the Regulation. Special land fund is set up at the expense of agricultural land that is either not used according to its predestination or is used in violation of the legislation currently in force, and of abandoned land. The plots of land that can't be used for growing agricultural produce in conformity with sanitary requirements must not be included into special land fund.

  8. Library Resource

    г.Бишкек, Дом Правительства от 21 декабря 2000 года N 750 Постановление Правительства Кыргызской Республики Об утверждении временных положений, регулирующих земельные правоотношения в пилотных регистрационных зонах

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree regulates purchase and sale of agricultural land, organization of auction sale thereof, and the modalities of calculation of rent for lease of public agricultural land. Purchase and sale of the plots of agricultural land shall be carried out by the owners. In case of purchase and sale by the third parties they must be in possession of notarized letter of authorization. Agricultural land contaminated by chemicals and radioactive substances to the degree exceeding the established contamination levels shall not be subject to sale.

  9. Library Resource

    г.Бишкек, Дом Правительства от 2 декабря 1999 года N 659 Постановление Правительства Кыргызской Республики Об утверждении Положения о порядке ведения земельного кадастра в Кыргызской Республике

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes that the purpose of keeping the state land cadastre shall be to provide the state executive bodies of all levels, natural and legal persons with information regarding legal status and quality of land at the national, regional and local level and with the information regarding each separate plot of land.

  10. Library Resource

    г.Бишкек, Дом Правительства от 29 ноября 1999 года N 649 Постановление Правительства Кыргызской Республики Об утверждении Положения о передаче в аренду и использовании пастбищ

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on transfer in lease and management of pastures and the form of contract for transfer of the plots of pasture areas. It classifies pastures as: (a) pastures for transhumance; (b) pastures for intensive management; (c) pastures located between transhumance areas and fixed pasture areas; and (d) pastures of the inhabited areas. All pasture areas shall be mapped and shall have boundaries designated afield.

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