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  1. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Regulation establishes the modalities of the institution and examination of the applications of enterprises, institutions and organizations, and also of citizens regarding concession of the plots of land out of all categories of land irrespectively of the type of ownership except for cases envisaged by the legislation. Concession of land shall be carried out in the form of allotment in accordance with decree of the Government or of the respective organ of executive power. The document consists of 6 sections. Section 1 lays down general provisions.

  2. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Regulation establishes the modalities of forwarding application and legalization of materials for the purpose of transfer of land from one category into another and low-yield land into unproductive land. Reduction of the area of irrigated land, arable land, perennial plants and other high-yielding areas, including transfer of land from one category into another and low-yield land into unproductive land shall not be allowed except for cases of necessity and exclusively in accordance with the Ministerial Decrees.

  3. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Certificates of land tenure shall be registered in accordance with the projects of inter-economic land survey practice (submission of land-surveying materials on concession of the plots of land for determined purposes) validated by the Government, organs of executive power in accordance with the established modalities and their filling in shall be preceded by mapping of the boundaries of land tenure that is the ground for issuing certificate of land tenure.

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Regulation covers all the categories of agricultural land. Valuation of losses of land tenants and losses of agricultural commodities connected with expropriation of the plots of land for state and public needs as well as for individual activity of the citizens must be carried out at the preliminary stage of coordination of the situation of the object and must be specified in the process of legalization of the allotment of the plot of land.

  5. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Eastern Europe, Europe, Asia, Central Asia, Western Asia

    The Parties have agreed to cooperate in the following spheres: (a) integration of early warning systems and emergency intervention systems; (b) joint participation in the international organizations and programs; (c) liability of each Party for the outbreak and consequences of disasters; (d) prevention of the outbreak of disasters; and (e) autonomous decision-making at the national level.

    Amended by: Protocol to Multilateral Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of prevention of natural and technological disasters and mitigation of the consequences thereof. (2015-10-30)

  6. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Order establishes that the following rights and encumbrances (restrictions) of immovable property, including land plots, shall be subject to compulsory registration: (a) ownership; (b) servitude; (c) nature management; and (d) open-ended land tenure. Registration shall be carried out through application by the following categories: (a) owner; (b) landlord; (c) leaseholder; (d) pledgeholder; (e) trust manager; (f) bankruptcy administrator; (g) tutor; (g) trustee; (h) by power of attorney; and (i) other persons in accordance with legislation.

  7. Library Resource

    Приказ Председателя Комитета лесного и охотничьего хозяйства Министерства сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан от 17 января 2005 года № 12 Об утверждении Правил перевода угодий, не покрытых лесом, в угодья, покрытые лесом, в государственном...

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Order establishes that transfer of unforested land to forested land within state forest fund shall be carried out by public forest owner in accordance with the modalities set by this Governmental Order. Felling areas, burnt forest areas, grassy glades and areas of dead vegetation shall be subject to transfer to forested land category after afforestation and reforestation arrangements or natural afforestation and reforestation. Transfer shall be carried out after inspection of the areas by the officials of the authorized forestry institution.

  8. Library Resource

    Инструкция о порядке составления и выдачи документов, удостоверяющих права на земельный участок (утверждена приказом Госрегистра КР от 21 ноября 2005 года № 176).

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Order establishes that in case of allotment of a plot of land in ownership or tenancy documents of entitlement for the land plot shall be: (a) land ownership certificate; (b) open-ended land tenancy certificate; (c) provisional land tenancy certificate or lease contract; and (d) private land ownership certificate. Private land ownership certificate shall be issued to natural and legal persons that have been allotted in ownership smallholding, land plots for housing construction, including plots of state and municipal land purchased through tenders.

  9. Library Resource

    Приказ ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО КОМИТЕТА РЕСПУБЛИКИ УЗБЕКИСТАН ПО ЗЕМЕЛЬНЫМ РЕСУРСАМ, ГЕОДЕЗИИ, КАРТОГРАФИИ И ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОМУ КАДАСТРУ Об утверждении «Временной инструкции определения нормативной стоимости сельскохозяйственных угодий...

    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Order establishes criteria for valuation of agricultural land by State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy, Cartography and Land Cadastre with the consideration of data recorded in state land cadastre and other registration authorities, including valuation of irrigation and drainage systems located on agricultural land. The purpose of valuation shall be to determine standard cost of agricultural land. Agricultural land shall be valued by quality and location independently from its real use in tillage or for fodder production. Land evaluation shall be calculated per 1 ha.

  10. Library Resource

    О внесении изменений и дополнения в Приказ Председателя Агентства Республики Казахстан по управлению земельными ресурсами от 2 апреля 2009 года № 57-П "Об утверждении Инструкции о разработке проектов рекультивации нарушенных земель" Приказ...

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    Item 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Time limits for the elaboration of land reclamation project shall be set by decision of local self-government body in relation of allotment of a plot of land or on modification of specific (purposeful) use thereof.”

    Amends: Order No. 57-P of the Agency on land resources management validating the Regulation on land reclamation of disturbed land. (2009-04-02)

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