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  1. Library Resource
    National Policies
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    The Medium Term Development Program is a multi-sectoral national Program of the Kyrgyz Republic covering the period of 2012-2014. The main goal of the Program is to increase living standard of the population and poverty alleviation based on economic growth, improvement of business environment and development of the efficient governance system.

  2. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of carrying out veterinary and sanitary arrangements in accordance with veterinary norms and standards that are compulsory for all natural and legal persons. Veterinary arrangements shall be intended complex of antiepizootic measures and procedures aimed at protection of animal health, prevention and liquidation of the outbreak of animal diseases. Agricultural animals must be kept clinically healthy and comply with basic physiological indices in accordance with veterinary recommendations and regulations.

  3. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Resolution approves the attached Regulations on land taxes as specified in Schedules 1, 2, and 3: Temporary basic rate of the unified agricultural tax (1); Rates valid for one occasion and annual tax for usage of the lands of settlements and non- agricultural lands (2); Tax rates for use of householding plots allocated to citizens from urban and rural areas (3).

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law establishes legal, economic and organizational grounds for sustainable management of pastures and regulates relations concerning rational management and protection of pastures, improvement of ecological, economic and resource potential thereof.

  5. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities for issuing licences for land surveys and topographic, geodetic and cartographic activities. Applicants (natural or legal persons) shall submit the following documentation to the licensing authority: (a) application; (b) copy of the registration certificate (for legal person)s; (c) receipt for payment of licensing fee; and (d) qualification certificate.

    Repealed by: Ministerial Decree No. 574 validating the Regulation on licensing land surveys and topographic, geodetic and cartographic activities. (2007-07-06)

  6. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree sets forth the modalities of land tenure of rural inhabited areas, in particular establishing land-use planning guidelines related to residential construction and provision of urban amenities. Expropriation and allotment of land of rural inhabited areas shall be performed by decision of local government. Land tenure and development of rural inhabited areas shall be performed in conformity with land-use planning scheme.

  7. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree establishes the modalities of allotment of land plots of area up to 1, 0 ha on conditions of permanent (open-ended) land tenure through tenders for performance of entrepreneurial activities. It shall be applicable to industrial land areas and non-agricultural land. It contains information related to the modalities of organization of tenders and information of the applicants of available land plots.

  8. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree establishes that State geodetic inspection shall be authorized state institution performing supervision over compliance with technical requirements and standards related to geodetic and cartographic activity and mapping of the state boundaries. State supervision over land tenure and land protection shall be performed with a view of enforcement of land legislation and compliance of natural and legal persons with legislative provisions of land legislation.

  9. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Governmental Decree establishes the modalities of veterinary zoning of the national territory with a view of identification of infectious animal diseases. Competent state body in the sphere of veterinary shall establish veterinary and sanitary well-being status of the national territory and shall compile epizootic map of veterinary zoning of the national territory. Territorial area having well-being status shall have protection zone separating it from territory with a different veterinary and sanitary status.

  10. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Governmental Decree regulates the issues of constitution, modification of category, validation of boundaries and cancellation of protected areas. Protected areas shall be classified as follows: (a) state nature reserves; (b) state natural parks; (c) state nature monuments; (d) state nature reserves; (e) state botanical gardens, dendrological and zoological parks; (f) biosphere reserves; and (g) transboundary protected areas. Protected areas shall be constituted with the consideration of ecological, scientific and economic substantiation, and also historical and cultural value.

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