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  1. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Governmental Decree establishes that objects of historical and cultural heritage shall be construction, memorial sites related to historical events in the life of society and development of society and the state, that represent historical, scientific, artistic and other value. State management in the sphere of historical and cultural heritage shall be performed by the Government through authorized state institution.

  2. Library Resource

    З А К О Н ТУРКМЕНИСТАНА О Генгеше (новая редакция) (С изменениями и дополнениями внесенным Законами Туркменистана от 28.06.2007 г. № 128-Ш и 23.10.2008 г. № 233-Ш).

    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law regulates the functioning of local government related to urban and rural administration, defining plenary powers thereof and its relations with other state bodies. Local government shall be guided in its activity by jurisdictional competence, legality, collegiality and transparency. Information related to decisions taken by local government shall be made generally available. The sphere of competence of the local government shall include rational use of natural resources, environmental protection, land-use planning and urban and peri-urban agriculture.

  3. Library Resource

    З А К О Н ТУРКМЕНИСТАНА Об арчынах.

    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law establishes jurisdictional competence and plenary powers of the heads of local self-government, in particular, economic, social and cultural development of the territory, land-use planning, water, gas and energy supply. The principles of performance of the duties of local government shall include legality, equity, transparency and personal responsibility.

  4. Library Resource


    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Local government shall be responsible for supervision over land-use planning of urban land in residential areas. This Housing Code shall establish requirements for acknowledgement of land plots destined for residential areas and the establishment of the boundaries thereof. It also regulated the issues of expropriation of land plots under residential facilities for public need and the modalities of compensation to the owners of the aforesaid residential facilities. The right of ownership to land plot under residential facility of the owner thereof shall be regulated by land legislation.

  5. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ от 20 марта 2015 года № 65 О внесении изменений в Закон Кыргызской Республики "Об охране и использовании историко-культурного наследия".

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    Article 30 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Within the boundaries of protected areas containing objects of cultural heritage shall be prohibited excavation procedure and earthwork, construction and any economic activity without prior issuance of authorization by the competent state institution”.

    Amends: Law No. 91 “On conservation and management of historical and cultural heritage”. (2014-01-13)

  6. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН ТУРКМЕНИСТАНА О государственной регистрации прав на недвижимое имущество и сделок, связанных с ним.

    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law establishes legal grounds and the modalities of state registration of rights to immovable property and encumbrances, and also transactions related thereto with a view of recognition and protection by the state of registered rights, encumbrances and transactions. This Law shall be applicable to registration of rights related to land plots.

  7. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН ТУРКМЕНИСТАНА О внесении изменений в некоторые законодательные акты Туркменистана.

    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Article 10 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Peasant association shall be constituted by the regional administration by agreement with the Cabinet of Ministers in accordance with the proposition of district and city administration. At the moment of constitution of a peasant administration it shall be attributed denomination/name title”.

    Amends: Law No. 50-1 on peasant associations. (1995-06-15)

  8. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ от 14 июля 2011 года № 96 О местной государственной администрации (В редакции Законов КР от 25 ноября 2011 года № 220, 17 марта 2012 года № 20, 16 июля 2012 года № 114, 3 августа 2012 года № 149 , 10 августа 2012 года №...

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Law establishes and regulates the modalities of organization and functioning of local government. Local government shall exercise executive power at local level. Local government shall carry out the following tasks: (a) management of public property; (b) coordination and performance of the arrangements for prevention of emergencies and disasters, and mitigation of the consequences thereof; and (c) transfer of agricultural land to other land categories.

    Repealed by: Law No. 101 “On local government”. (2014-02-18)

  9. Library Resource

    Об утверждении стандартов государственных услуг в области фитосанитарной безопасности и внесении изменений в некоторые решения Правительства Республики Казахстан Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от «12» февраля 2014 года № 78.

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree validates the following standard state services in the sphere of phytosanitary security: (a) state registration of pesticides (poisonous chemicals); (b) issuance of quarantine certificate for transportation of produce subject to quarantine inspection on the national territory; (c) issuance of quarantine certificate for transportation of produce subject to quarantine inspection outside national territory; and (d) issuance, re-issuance, substitution of licence for processing (formulization) of pesticides (poisonous chemicals), trade of pesticides (poisonous chemicals),

  10. Library Resource

    ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ от 15 февраля 2011 года № 49 Об утверждении Правил государственной регистрации прав и обременений (ограничений) прав на недвижимое имущество и сделок с ним.

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes the rules for state registration of rights and encumbrances to immovable property and transactions therewith. The following rights and encumbrances shall be subject to mandatory state registration: (a) ownership; (b) tenancy; (c) mortgage and encumbrances originating therefrom; (d) lease and sub-lease for the period of three years and over; (e) servitude; (f) use restrictions; (g) court decisions; (h) nature management activities listed by the Government; and (i) open-ended land tenure.

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