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  1. Library Resource
    Russia, Tajikistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Regulation establishes the modalities of forwarding application and legalization of materials for the purpose of transfer of land from one category into another and low-yield land into unproductive land. Reduction of the area of irrigated land, arable land, perennial plants and other high-yielding areas, including transfer of land from one category into another and low-yield land into unproductive land shall not be allowed except for cases of necessity and exclusively in accordance with the Ministerial Decrees.

  2. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The property in the Republic of Uzbekistan is inviolate. Every person has a right for property. The existence of any form of property is allowed in the Republic of Uzbekistan which promotes the efficient functioning of the economy and the growth of the people's well-being. The inviolability and equal conditions for the development of all forms of property are guaranteed by this Law. The Republic of Uzbekistan creates all necessary conditions for the proprietor to ensure the safety and augmentation of property.

  3. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    This Decree consists of 5 Sections that contain 28 articles. Section 1 (arts. 1-4) lays down general provisions. Section 2 (arts. 5-11) specifies the objects of privatization. Section 3 (arts. 12-16) classifies the types of privatization. Section 4 (arts. 17-26) establishes the modalities and terms of privatization. Section 5 (arts. 27 and 28) lays down final and transitional provisions.

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The procedure for the implementation of the state registration of rights of possession, use, lease and ownership to the land plots, as well as servitudes and other restrictions of these rights, are stated in the present Directions. The present Directions are designed for Goskomsev land resources services of districts, as well as for Uzgeodescadastre state real estate cadastral services of districts and towns which are commissioned to implement the official registration of the rights to the land plots.

  5. Library Resource
    Russia, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central Asia

    Lease is temporary fee-based possession, use and management on contractual basis of land, other natural resources and property necessary to lessee for carrying out autonomously economic and other activity. The document consists of 4 sections that contain 32 articles. Section 1 (arts. 1-19) lays down general provisions. Section 2 (arts. 20-28) regards lease of enterprises. Section 3 (arts. 29-30) regards lease of property by citizens. Section 4 (arts. 31-32) regards dispute settlement and establishes liability of the subjects of lease relations.

  6. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Regulation consists of 4 Parts. The present Regulation focuses of the improvement of state registration of rights to immovable property outlining some fundamental legislative provisions that must be implemented. One of the points is to bring together and unify as much as possible activity of state institutions for the formation of land cadastre and issuing of land certificates to legal and natural persons.

  7. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The document consists of 4 sections. Plots of land subject to radioactive contamination and not ensuring crops complying with sanitary requirements and norms shall be subject to removal from the category of agricultural land. Expropriation of the aforesaid category of land from owners of the plots of land and non-public land tenants shall be carried out in legal form while expropriation from state land tenants shall be carried out by decision of the competent body.

  8. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The document consists of 4 sections. The present Regulation determines the modalities of carrying out state control over the observance of land legislation, land tenure and protection of land. State Committee on Land Relations and Land Survey and its territorial branches shall carry out state control over: 1. observance by land-owners and land tenants of land legislation, establishes regime of the use of land plots in accordance with their purpose; 2. prevention of illegal seizure of the plots of land; 3.

  9. Library Resource
    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Law determines the legal basis for carrying out geodetic and cartographic activity and is aimed at meeting the demand of legal and physical persons in geodetic and cartographic products. Geodetic and cartographic activity is productive, technical and scientific activity related to the execution of geodetic and cartographic work and creation of geodetic and cartographic products (art. 1). Objects of geodetic and cartographic activity are: 1) land and surface water and geographic objects situated thereon; 2) outer space, including natural and artificial celestial objects (art.

  10. Library Resource
    Russia, Turkmenistan, Asia, Central Asia

    The present Law determines economic, legal and social basis of the organization and functioning of peasant associations. Peasant association is and autonomous economic entity with the status of legal person set up on voluntary basis by persons engaged in agricultural production. Peasant associations can be set up as state, cooperative, mixed and other forms of property (art. 1).

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