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  1. Library Resource
    France, Europe, Western Europe

    Le régime des autorisations d'urbanismé, regroupées en trois permis (permis de construire, permis d'aménager et permis de démolir) et une déclaration préalable est définit par les dispositions du présent arrêté.

    Met en oeuvre: Décret nº 2007-18 pris pour l’application de l’ordonnance n° 2005-1527 relative au permis de construire et aux autorisations d'urbanisme. (2007-01-05)

  2. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Federal Law introduces the notion of joint ownership that includes the ownership of the plot of land, on which the edifice is situated, within the boundaries delimited by law. The joint owners are obliged to treat with care the plots of land on which the edifice is situated. The joint ownership extends to the adjoining plots of land within the boundaries delimited by law with the greenery growing on them.

    Implements: Federal Law No. 72-FZ on condominiums. (1996-06-15)
    Implements: Law No. 4218-I on basic federal housing policy. (1992-12-24)

  3. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The people's deputies are entitled to verify the results of the application of the Russian land legislation and to make up for the deficiency and drawbacks in the promotion of land reform in accordance with the local executive authorities and the representatives of the local branches of the Federal Committee on Land Reform and Land Resources and of the local prosecutor's office.

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The purpose of this Order is to guarantee the accomplishment of the Presidential Decree No. 337 of 1996 "On carrying into effect the constitutional right of the citizens on land". This Order entitles the State Committee on Land, in accordance with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Justice, to validate the forms of contract dealing with the transfer of the land shares in leasehold to agricultural enterprises, farmers, to stock capital of the agricultural enterprises.

  5. Library Resource

    An Act to amend section 7 of the Registration of Title Act, 1964, and to provide for connected matters.

    Ireland, Europe, Northern Europe

    Section 7 of the Registration of Title Act, 1964, is hereby amended- (a) by the substitution of the following section for subsection (1): "(1) There shall be- (a) an office (in this Act referred to as 'the central office') consisting of one or more than one constituent offices situated in the county borough of Dublin and in such other area or areas (if any) as the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform may designate by order under subsection (5), and (b) an office (in this Act referred to as a 'local office') in each county other than- (i) the county borough of Dublin, the administra

  6. Library Resource

    An Act to confirm and, for the purpose of such confirmation, to declare the extent of the application of the Land Act, 1923, to tenanted land and to define more fully the land which is tenanted land for the purposes of that Act.

    Ireland, Europe, Northern Europe

    Sub-section (2) of section 73 of the Land Act, 1923 ("the Principal Act) shall be construed and have effect and be deemed always to have had effect as if the words "which is at the passing of this Act" were inserted therein immediately after the words "means land" and the expression "tenanted land" shall be construed accordingly in the Principal Act and in this Act.

  7. Library Resource

    An Act to amend and extend the Land Purchase Acts.

    Ireland, Europe, Northern Europe

    Under section 3 the Land Commission may impose an obligation on allottees of holding and parcels to reside thereon (sect. 2).

  8. Library Resource

    An Act to amend and extend the Land Purchase Acts.

    Ireland, Europe, Northern Europe

    An Act to provide for various matter relative to the purchase of land from the Land Commission in accordance with the Land Act, 1923, including financial matter, appeal against decisions, etc. The Minister for Finance may make rules and regulations for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act relating to land purchase finance, and may by such rules or regulations adapt to the requirements of this Act any provisions relating to land purchase finance contained in any Act passed before this Act (sect. 3).

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