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  1. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Act amends Act No. 109/88 on Agrarian Reform. It consists of amended articles defining new principles in order to manage this sector and promote agricultural development: land expropriation requirements, agricultural land use, land rights, land concession, land lease, land inheritance, protected zones, etc.

    Implemented by: Decree-Law No. 12/91 regulating the right of use of expropriated lands. (1991-01-09)
    Amends: Act No. 109/88 on Agrarian Reform. (1988-09-29)

  2. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Act concerns Agrarian Reform. It consists of 51 articles laying down general principles in order to manage this sector: land expropriation requirements, agricultural land use, land rights, land concession, lease, etc.

    Implemented by: Decree-Law No. 12/91 regulating the right of use of expropriated lands. (1991-01-09)
    Amended by: Act No. 46/90 amending Act No. 109/88 on Agrarian Reform. (1990-08-22)

  3. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    The principal Act provides for the procedures of the application for rights relative to constructions in watercourses or related to watercourses as foreseen in the Water Act (sect. 1). The amendments of the principal Act are made mainly as a consequence of the introduction of the Real Property Formation Act (554/95) which formulates, inter alia, rules relative to land survey and mapping. Section 4 refers to procedures in accordance with section 8(a) of Chapter 21 of the Water Act.

  4. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    The amendments of the present Act concern land survey procedures in accordance with the recently enacted Real Property Formation Act (554/95) for various kinds of water areas to which provisions of the Fisheries Act apply. Borders of fish protection areas shall be established by a certified engineer at the request of Fisheries Area Offices (sect. 45). Section 55 provides for the designation by the Land Survey Office of the part in a water area of members in Fisheries Associations in accordance with section 101 of Act 554 of 1995.

  5. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    The amendments introduced by the present Act concern the use of land and procedures for the formation of real property. Section 38 is amended so as to provide for formation of common forests and land use rights with respect to common forests, and in particular servitude. Such servitude shall be established in accordance with procedures outlined in section 43. The procedures shall be in accordance with rules laid down by the Real Property Formation Act (No. 554/95).

    Amends: Rural Activities Management Act (No. 1295 of 1990). (1990-12-28)

  6. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    France, Switzerland, Europe, Western Europe

    Ce décret porte publication de la lettre française portant dénonciation de l'arrangement ayant été conclu à Berne le 23 octobre 1912, entre la France et la Suisse, pour le pacage sur les pâturages situés des deux côtés de la frontière. Celui-ci sera abrogé un an après la date de la lettre de dénonciation, à savoir le 12 janvier 1996 (donc le 12 janvier 1997).

  7. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Regional Decree approves Decree-Law No. 186/90 (establishing that land use plannings must be regulated according to environmental impact assessment program). It consists of 6 articles approving provisions established by the aforementioned Decree-Law for the Autonomous Region of Madeira too and establishes competent regional authority for carrying out controls on such sector.

  8. Library Resource
    Spain, Europe, Southern Europe

    La presente Ley Foral, que consta de 4 títulos, 24 artículos, 4 disposiciones adicionales y 2 finales, tiene por objeto el establecimiento del régimen jurídico de las vías pecuarias de Navarra. Las vías pecuarias, o sea las rutas o itinerarios por donde discurre o ha venido discurriendo tradicionalmente el tránsito ganadero, se clasifican en cañadas reales, traviesas, pasadas y ramales, distinguiéndose además los reposaderos y abrevaderos anexos.

  9. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    These amendments concern the sale of land (sect. 17), and the partial or complete repayment of subsidies. The section on the sale of land refers to section 44 of the Rural Activities Management Act.

    Amends: Reindeer Management Act (No. 161 of 1990). (1990-02-09)

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