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  1. Library Resource
    July, 2017

    Article 31 shall be amended to add the following wording: “In strict state reserves, it shall be prohibited to alter the conservational principal designation of land use. In reserves, state parks, strict biosphere reserves and biosphere grounds, it shall be prohibited to alter the conservational and forest farming principal designation of land use, as well as to convert forest land to land used for other designations, except for transfer of land for the protection of state border and for national defense purpose”.

    Amends: Law No. I-301 on protected areas. (2015-09-01)

  2. Library Resource
    July, 2017

    Article 11 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Transfer of forest land into other categories of land shall be prohibited in the following cases: (a) Group I forests; (b) Group II - protection of ecosystems in forests, except in specified cases; (c) in groups III - in forests of protected areas and in protected areas of state reserves, except for specific cases; (d) in other forests located one kilometer from the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Spit, in recreational forests of Group II and in protected areas, field protection and national park protection zones of Group III except for

  3. Library Resource
    July, 2016

    This Federal Law establishes new grounds and procedures for compulsory termination, as well as the specific features of acquiring, rights to plots of agricultural land. A land plot may be expropriated from the owner in a judicial procedure if it has not been used for 3 or more years to perform agricultural or other activities related to agricultural production.

  4. Library Resource
    October, 2016

    Le décret présent adapte les dispositions relatives aux opérations de protection de l'environnement dans les espaces ruraux afin de tenir compte de la nouvelle réglementation européenne applicable à la programmation 2015/2020 de la politique agricole commune.Ce texte concerne personnes physiques ou morales exerçant une activité agricole.

  5. Library Resource
    July, 2005

    This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which is composed of 20 articles and 16 Annexes, lays down details on: (a) the procedure of soil sampling; (b) the method and scope of agrochemical soil testing and the identification of soil properties of forest land; (c) keeping records on the consumption and use of fertilizers; (d) the method of processing the annual balance of nutrients and soil organic on agricultural land.

  6. Library Resource
    March, 2016

    This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of 17 articles and eight Annexes, lays down details on: (a) the soil sampling procedure, the method and scope of the agrochemical soil testing and the identification of soil properties of the forest land; (b) storage and use of fertilizers, secondary sources of nutrients and compost;(c) keeping records on the consumption and use of fertilizers, secondary sources of nutrients and compost; (d) method of processing the annual balance of nutrients and on the method of providing data to the Central Agricultural I

  7. Library Resource
    June, 2016

    This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of nine articles and five Annexes, lays down details on: (a) maintenance of the registration and information system and the database related to the management of agricultural land in vulnerable areas; (b) obtaining weather information; (c) the application for special authorization for the use of nitrogen fertilizers; (d) the procedure for reporting on additional storage areas; (e) plans for the use of nitrogen fertilizers; (f) registration of carried out controls.

  8. Library Resource
    June, 2016

    This Regional Law establishes that public or municipal land plot allotted to a religious organization on condition of permanent (open-ended) land tenure for agricultural production shall be transferred in ownership to such organization free of charge by decision of regional executive authority or local government in case of purposeful specific use of such plot of land.

  9. Library Resource
    May, 2016

    Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Leaseholder of a plot of agricultural land pertaining to public or municipal ownership shall have the right of purchase of such plot of land in ownership in case the right of lease originates from conversion of permanent (open-ended) tenancy or life-long hereditary possession of such plot of land to lease, at the cost equal to 15 percent of its cadastre value”.

    Amends: Regional Law No. 667-OZ “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”. (2015-03-18)

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