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  1. Library Resource

    Abkommen zwischen der Republik Österreich und der Republik Albanien über die bilateralen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen.

    International Conventions or Treaties
    Albania, Austria, Europe, Western Europe, Southern Europe

    An Agreement between between the Federal Government of the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Albania on bilateral economic relations. The Contracting Parties shall develop economic bilateral cooperation for their mutual benefit in the following fields: agriculture and forestry, food industry, energy, protection of the environment, soil protection, pesticides. The text consists of 14 sections.

  2. Library Resource

    Abkommen über die wirtschaftliche, wissenschaftliche und technische Zusammenarbeit zwischen der österreichischen Bundesregierung und der Regierung der Libyschen Arabischen Republik.

    International Conventions or Treaties
    Austria, Libya, Europe, Western Europe, Africa, Northern Africa

    An Agreement between between the Federal Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the Libyan Arab Republic on economic, scientific and technical cooperation. The Contracting Parties shall develop economic, scientific and technical co-operation for their mutual benefit. This cooperation shall include inter alia the following fields: oil, agriculture and land reclamation, energy, exchange of experts. Article 6 establishes that a joint Austrian-Libyan Arab Governmental Committee shall be estblished. The text consists of 9 articles.

  3. Library Resource

    Abkommen zwischen der Österreichischen Bundesregierung und der Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland über die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiete der Raumordnung.

    International Conventions or Treaties
    Austria, Germany, Europe, Western Europe

    The Contracting Parties have agreed to establish a Joint Commission responsible for issues on land use planning, especially in border areas. The Commission shall elaborate related suggestions and recommendations. The text consists of 8 articles.

  4. Library Resource

    Abkommen zwischen der Republik Österreich , der Republik Rwanda und der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft betreffend den geologischen Dienst Rwandas.

    International Conventions or Treaties
    Rwanda, Austria, Switzerland, Africa, Western Europe, Europe, Eastern Africa

    At the request of the Government of Rwanda, the Republic of Austria and the Swiss Confederation shall give Rwanda technical assistance in the form of experts and materials for their Geological Survey Service. The text consists of 4 articles and 2 Annexes laying down framework guidelines of the Geological Service.

  5. Library Resource

    Abkommen zwischen der Österreichischen Bundesregierung und der Regierung der Tschechoslowakischen Republik über die Grundsätze der geologischen Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Republik Österreich und der Tschechoslowakischen Republik.

    International Conventions or Treaties
    Austria, Czech Republic, Eastern Europe, Europe, Western Europe

    Considering that a close cooperation between Austria and Czechoslovakia would be of great advantage for both countries and particular in cases where deposits of mineral raw materials occur, the Contracting Parties shall give each other mutual assistance in the field of geology. Article 1 establishes that geological cooperation comprises above all exchange of geological documents and their assessment as well as the cooperation in geological research in border areas. The text consists of 11 articles.

  6. Library Resource
    Albania, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Instruction amends articles 6, 8, 11-13 of Instruction No.1 of 2012 with regard to the tasks and rules of procedure of the commission responsible for accepting and evaluating the applications for high-risk energy-related construction permits.

    Amends: Instruction No.1 of 2012 laying down rules and procedures for obtaining construction permits for high risk energy-related buildings and for the establishment of the evaluation commission. (2012-04-30)

  7. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Resolution approves attached Provisions on the Republican Centre of Land and Agrarian Reform of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Kyrgyz Republic. The Republican Centre of Land and Agrarian is the structural division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Kyrgyz Republic which pursues state policy in the field of land and agrarian reform, denationalization and privatization in agrarian sector.

  8. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Resolution adopts proposals of Naryn oblast and raion administration approved by Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ministry of Environment of the Kyrghyz Republic, on transfer 479 hectares of pastures of the Karatal-Japyryk national park to the peasant farm named after 8 March, Naryn rayon.

  9. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    Given that in implementation of works on introduction of the land registration system serious shortages and omissions have been ascertained by the central authorities, this Resolution obliges the oblast and rayon agricultural departments to participate in organization and introduction of agricultural land registration and to assist in search of competent specialists and testing of the present staff.

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