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Showing items 1 through 9 of 6039.
  1. Library Resource


    July, 1994

    All citizens of the Republic of Moldova are equal before the Law indifferent on their origin, their origin, their social and patrimonial state, their race and nationality, their sex, education, language, religion, occupation, place of residence and other circumstances (Article 4).

  2. Library Resource

    Конституция Российской Федерации Принята всенародным голосованием 12 декабря 1993 г.

    December, 1993
  3. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    Luxembourg, Belgium, Europe, Western Europe

    Un accord entre le Grand Duché de Luxembourg et la Communauté flamande et la Région flamande dans les domaines suivants: économie, science, technologie, enseignement, culture, jeunesse, bien-être, soins de santé, environnement et aménagement du territoire, infrastructure, politique des communications, agriculture et industrie agro-alimentaire, formation professionnelle et emploi, tourisme, sports, télécommunications et politique des médias. A cette fin, elles stimuleront la coopération entre les institutions et les entreprises opérant dans les domaines précités.

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    President of the Regional Council of Ministers orders to validate the form of official acts on land ownership, life-long hereditary ownership and open-ended (permanent) land tenure. Official acts must be issued by the heads of the local administrations in accordance with the Instructions of the Committee on Land Reform and Land resources attached to the Government of the Russian Federation. The collected fees must be transferred to the extra-budgetary fund of the Regional Government.

  5. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    President of the State Committee for Environmental Protection, for the purpose of carrying out control functions of the Committee regarding improvement of the system of registration tests of pesticides in the process of their ecological valuation and expertise, orders to set up Centre of pesticides research and to entitle it with the function of the official representative of the Committee in the process of the registration of the pesticides for compliance of ecological requirements.

  6. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Convention applies to the Carpathian region to be defined by the Conference of the Parties. Each Party may extend the application of this Convention and its Protocols to additional parts of its national territory by making a declaration to that effect. The Parties shall pursue a comprehensive policy and cooperate for the protection and sustainable development of the Carpathians with a view to inter alia improving quality of life, strengthening local economies and communities, and conservation of natural values and cultural heritage.

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