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  1. Library Resource

    Richtlinie über die Gewährung von Zuwendungen zum Schutz von Gewässern gegen Gefahren durch Altlasten (Förderrichtlinie Altlasten-Gewässerschutz).

    Germany, Europe, Western Europe

    The present Guidelines establish the granting of subsidies for the protection of waters against hazardous substances in order to restore, maintain and improve the quality of waters and reduce suspect contaminated areas. The text consists of 8 articles as follows: Purpose of subsidy and legal basis (1); Object of subsidy (2); Beneficiaries of subsidies (3); Prerequisites for subsidy (4); Nature, extent and amount of subsidy (5); Other subsidies (6); Procedures (7); Final provisions (8).

  2. Library Resource

    Staatsvertrag zwischen dem Land Niedersachsen und der Freien Hansestadt Bremen zu einer grenzüberschreitenden Raumordnung und Landesentwicklung.

    Germany, Europe, Western Europe

    The present State Treaty between the State of Lower Saxony and the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen establishes that they shall cooperate in all matters concerning cross-border land-use planning and land development. Furthermore, they shall work together with the competent authorities to obtain an adequate implementation of the Regional Land Use Planning Programme.

  3. Library Resource

    Vertrag über die Aufgaben und Trägerschaft sowie Grundlagen und Verfahren der gemeinsamen Landesplanung zwischen den Ländern Berlin und Brandenburg (Landesplanungsvertrag).

    Germany, Europe, Western Europe

    The purpose of the present Agreement between the states of Berlin and Brandenburg is to: 1) promote a common land use policy; 2) protect and conserve natural living conditions; 3) strengthen the common economic position, as well as 4) integrate the two states in the European Union.

  4. Library Resource
    France, Europe, Western Europe

    Le présent arrêté porte composition et organisation du conseil scientifique et technique de l'Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière.

    Met en oeuvre: Décret nº 2011-1371 du 27 octobre 2011 relatif à l'Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière (IGN). (2011-10-27)

  5. Library Resource

    Richtlinie des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft zur Förderung von Maßnahmen des Boden- und Grundwasserschutzes sowie zur Vermeidung von Flächenneuinanspruchnahme(Förderrichtlinie Boden- und Grundwasserschutz – RL BuG...

    Germany, Europe, Western Europe

    The Free State of Saxony shall grant subsidies for the promotion of: 1) protection and closure of landfills and rehabilitation of soil and groundwater with a view to improve the environment; 2) rehabilitation of polluted areas and re-development of land. The text consists of 9 articles.

    Implements: Saxony Waste Management-Soil Protection Law. (2013-07-22)
    Implements: Waste Avoidance, Recovery and Disposal Act. (2011-10-06)
    Implements: Federal Soil Protection Act. (2017-07-20)

  6. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    Turkey, Moldova, Eastern Europe, Europe, Western Asia, Asia

    The Parties have agreed to assume the following commitments and contributions: (a) the commitments of Turkish Government shall include execution of works within the Water-Supply Project and fulfilment of all the required procedures, execution of contract and nomination of Project Coordinator; (b) the commitments of Moldavian Government shall include release of the required authorization, certification of materials, nomination of Project Coordinator and transfer of land and land rights.

  7. Library Resource
    Eastern Europe, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Decision lays down a questionnaire to be followed by Member States to report on the implementation of Directive 2008/1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning integrated pollution prevention and control.

  8. Library Resource

    Abkommen zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Regierung der Republik Namibia über Finanzielle Zusammenarbeit.

    International Conventions or Treaties
    Germany, Namibia, Europe, Western Europe, Africa, Southern Africa

    The Agreement aims at the development of technical cooperation between Germany and Namibia. In particular, Germany grants a credit to Namibia to improve the infrastructure required to realize land reform The text consists of 5 articles.

  9. Library Resource

    Об утверждении формуляров налоговых отчетов по земельному налогу и налогу на недвижимое имущество Приказ Главной Государственной Налоговой инспекции N 24 от 6 февраля 2006 года

    Moldova, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The head of the State Tax Inspection orders to validate the forms of the following documents regarding land taxation: (a) land tax calculation account for natural persons and peasant farms (Annex 1); (b) land tax collection account for natural persons and peasant farms (Annex 2); (c) land tax estimates (Annex 3).

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