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  1. Library Resource

    Об утверждении форм документов, удостоверяющих право на земельный участок Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 22 августа 2003 года N 851

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Premier decrees to validate the following forms of land certificates: (a) private land ownership certificate; (b) permanent land use certificate; (c) temporary charged (long-term, short-term) land use (lease); (d) temporary free-of-charge land use.

  2. Library Resource
    Albania, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Instruction lays down the rules and procedures to be used in examining the applications for developmental permits submitted to the Ministry of Environment and the establishment of the permanent commission responsible for their examination. The content and the supporting documentation of the application are further regulated in detail.

    Implements: Law No. 10119 on land use planning. (2009-04-23)

  3. Library Resource
    Albania, Europe, Southern Europe

    According to the Instruction, the National Agency of Territory Planning should evaluate and report on the legality and compliance of all proposed territory development requests with the national or regional planning instruments. The reporting should take place within 30 days of the request submission.

    Implements: Regulation No. 199 of 2014 supplementing Regulation No. 480 of 2011 of the Council of Ministers on land use planning. (2014-04-02)

  4. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Order amends the Nitrate Sensitive Areas (Designation) Order 1990 and applies to England only. It expresses the definition of 'economic optimum' in terms of the fertilizer's nitrogen content and changes restriction on the use of fertilizers to restrictions on the application of the amount of nitrogen is such fertilizer.

    Implements: Water Act 1989 (Chapter 15). (1989-07-06)
    Amends: Nitrate Sensitive Areas (Designation) Order, 1990. (1990-06-01)

  5. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Altai Territory have agreed as follows: 1). This Agreement establishes the main provisions as regards the delimitation of the competence and plenary powers between federal and territorial executive bodies in the sphere of ownership, use and management of subsoil. 2).

  6. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Rostov Region have agreed as follows: 1) Land within the boundaries of the Rostov Region can be classified as federal property, regional property, municipal property, private ownership and other forms of ownership in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Rostov Region.

  7. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Sakhalin Region have agreed as follows: 1). Land within the boundaries of the Sakhalin Region can be classified as federal property, regional property, municipal property, private ownership and other forms of ownership in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Sakhalin Region. 2).

  8. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Irkutsk Region have agreed as follows: 1). Land within the boundaries of the Irkutsk Region can be classified as federal property, regional property, municipal property, private ownership and other forms of ownership in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Irkutsk Region. 2).

  9. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    Head of the Department of Revenues of the Ministry of Taxes and Dues informs that organizations and physical persons allotted plots of land on condition of property, ownership and tenure on the territory of the Russian Federation are considered payers of land taxes. Child sanitary institutions irrespectively of the sources of financing are totally exonerated from payment of land taxes.

  10. Library Resource
    Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Chairman of Committee ,for the purpose of automation of management of the state land cadastre in Ukraine on the basis of wide use of computer engineering for maintenance of public authorities and local government, citizens, enterprises, establishments, organizations by reliable information about round, fulfilment of works for information maintenance of management of state land cadastre and the working out of technologies of works, orders to set up on the basis of self-support office of scientific, design and survey, project-technological works and state land use of examination the Kiev

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