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Showing items 1 through 9 of 6039.
  1. Library Resource
    December, 2017

    Article 7 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Article 7. Management, use and disposal of state land by trust.

  2. Library Resource
    National Policies
    July, 2002

    El Plan Forestal Español es un instrumento estratégico de alcance nacional cuyo objeto es estructurar las acciones necesarias para el desarrollo de una política forestal española basada en los siguientes principios: a) desarrollo sostenible (mediante la ordenación de los montes y el impulso de la selvicultura, según directrices que recojan los criterios e indicadores paneuropeos para la gestión sostenible de los ecosistemas forestales); b) multifuncionalidad de los montes; c) contribución a la cohesión territorial a través del desarrollo rural, fijando población y empleo, mejorando el entor

  3. Library Resource
    July, 2017
    Czech Republic

    This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture lays down some amendments and addenda to Decree on the use and storage of fertilizers. In particular, the present Decree regulates the method of reporting aviation application of liquid fertilizers or auxiliary substances. The sample form for the reporting aviation application of liquid fertilizers or auxiliary substances is given in the amended Annex 4.

    Implements: Fertilizers Act. (1998-06-12)
    Amends: Decree on the use and storage of fertilizers. (2013-11-25)

  4. Library Resource
    November, 2017

    The scope of this Law shall be to prevent speculation in agricultural land and preserve traditional forms of farming; to create conditions for the formation of rational land holdings and land consolidation; and to promote the rational use of agricultural land. It shall not be applicable to agricultural land of subsistence farming, land used for horticulture and gardening, and inherited land and land owned by the way of restoration of legal rights of ownership.

  5. Library Resource
    April, 2017
    United Kingdom

    These Regulations implement the requirements of the Directive 2011/92/EU as amended by 2014/52/EU for environmental impact assessment procedures in the context of the nationally significant infrastructure regime which extends to England and Wales and for limited purposes to Scotland. To the extent that these Regulations implement the Directive in relation to this regime, they extend to Wales and Scotland.

  6. Library Resource
    May, 2016

    This Law 49/2016 amends articles 5, 7, 14, 24, 26, 29 and 31 of Law 9693 of 2007. The amendments concern the ownership of the pasture fund now divided into a) the state pasture fund consisting of the pasture and lawns owned by the municipality managing their territory; and b) the private pasture fund consisting of the pasture and lawns in private property.The line ministry is the responsible authority for the protection and administration of the pasture fund in the protected areas.

  7. Library Resource
    December, 2016

    The present Act introduces some amendments to the Land Transaction Act of 9 December 1992. In particular, the Act amends, inter alia, article 4 establishing that the valuation of rights to land in Liechtenstein and of other assets situated in Liechtenstein is determined by the market value and the provisions of valuation legislation. The text consists of 3 articles.

    Amends: Land Transaction Ordinance. (2013)

  8. Library Resource
    December, 1991

    The Act regulates simplified procedure for proving unlawfulness of expropriation of property in Estonia. If a natural person having been the owner of property was forced to abandon his or her property during the period between 16 June 1940 and 1 January 1954 due to escaping from his or her place of residence or the location of property or in connection with refusing to return to Estonia while staying abroad, the property must be deemed to be abandoned due to a real danger of repression.

  9. Library Resource
    July, 2016

    This Federal Law regulates relations originating from state cadastre valuation of the territory of the Russian Federation. The state cadastre valuation is conducted on the basis of the principles of the uniformity of the methodology for determining cadastral value, the continuity of the updating of the information necessary for determining the cadastral value, independence and openness of state cadastral valuation procedures at each stage of their implementation, economic feasibility and verifiability of re-assessment of cadastral value.

  10. Library Resource
    June, 1991

    The Law determines principles for land use and land survey in Latvia. Its purpose is to protect the rights of land users and regulate the basic regulations for land use. The norms of this Law are applicable if the Law on Completion of State and Local Government Property Privatisation and Utilisation of Privatisation Certificates does not prescribe otherwise.

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