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  1. Library Resource
    June, 2009
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    This Regulation sets the conditions governing the procedures and terms for obtaining the lease of specific forest land parcel if public/state owned; and only if not previously assigned/intended for different purpose (if not part of the area covered with strategic environmental or planning documents).This Regulation provides for administrative requirements, economic related provisions, procedural issues and contents for contracts to be stipulated in relation with lease requests.

    Implements: Forest Law (Republic of Srpska). (2008-07-17)

  2. Library Resource
    April, 2013

    The Act regulates industrial emissions in Estonia. Its purpose is to achieve a high level of protection of the environment taken as a whole by minimizing emissions into air, water and soil and the generation of waste in order to prevent adverse environmental impacts. The Act determines the industrial activities of high environmental hazard, provides the requirements for operation therein and liability for failure to comply with the requirements, and the organisation of state supervision.

  3. Library Resource
    August, 2016

    This Regulation determines the rules for the correct, controlled and safe use of sludge for agriculture purposes and/or related agricultural land activities and the requirements that sludge must meet in order to ensure a safe and non-harmful impact on human health, soil and environment (including the rules for frequency of sludge testing).Sludge, object of this text, is a semi-solid slurry and can be produced as sewage sludge from wastewater treatment processes or as a settled suspension obtained from conventional drinking water treatment and numerous other industrial processes.The Annex is

  4. Library Resource
    July, 2009

    This Regulation determines the correct manner and way for conducting inventory and field studies on soils damaged by erosion, acidification, siltation, compacting and reducing of soil organic matter.The Regulation further sets the necessary related restorative measures (soil functions), as well as the maintenance and execution of such activities, that are performed in order to establish the areas with potential and actual risks of soil damage.These survey and additional studies will be carried out by and at the expense of the budget of the Executive Agency for Soil Resources of the Republic

  5. Library Resource
    October, 1997

    The Law prescribes the procedures for the completion of land reform in rural areas, as well as the rights of use of land and the property relationship must be adjusted and disputes in issues related to land reform must be examined until the completion thereof. The norms of this Law are applicable, if it has not been specified otherwise in the Law on Completion of State and Local Government Property Privatisation and Utilisation of Privatisation Certificates.

  6. Library Resource
    October, 1998

    The Law prescribes the procedures for the completion of land reform in cities, as well as for adjustment of the rights of use of land and the property relationship and examination of disputes in issues related to land reform until the completion thereof. The norms of this Law are applicable if it has not been laid down otherwise in the Law on Completion of State and Local Government Property Privatisation and Utilisation of Privatisation Certificates.

  7. Library Resource
    December, 2014

    The Regulation prescribes the criteria for determining the dominant land use category in transactions with agricultural land; the information to be included in the application for transactions with agricultural land and the documents to be appended thereto; the procedures by which an agricultural land lessee and the manager of the Latvian Land Fund must exercise their pre-emptive right; the procedures by which a local government committee must be funded and established, its composition, as well as the rights and obligations of the local government committee; the procedures by which a local

  8. Library Resource
    July, 1992

    The Law lays down rules for privatisation of land in rural areas. The main tasks of land privatisation are to create the basis and guarantees for agricultural development; to restore the land ownership rights to the former owners of land, which belonged to them on 21 July 1940 or to the heirs thereof; and to transfer land into ownership with remuneration to the citizens of the Republic of Latvia.

  9. Library Resource
    October, 2016

    The Act regulates the Earth’s crust in Estonia. Its purpose is to ensure sustainable and economically efficient use of the earth's crust and to reduce environmental nuisances arising thereby to the greatest extent possible.

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