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  1. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    Section 43C provides an exemption from landfill tax for the disposal of "qualifying material" which is used to restore to use a landfill site. Subsections (2) and (3) define restoration as work that is required by a planning consent, waste management licence or a resolution authorizing disposal of waste on or in the land, to be carried out after the completion of waste disposal operations. Section 44A provides an exemption from landfill tax for the disposal of "qualifying material" which is used to fill existing or former quarries. Certain conditions must be fulfilled.

  2. Library Resource
    Lithuania, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Law defines the concept of concession, objects of concessions and spheres of business activity for which concessions may be granted, the procedure for granting concessions, the rights and duties of government institutions of the Republic of Lithuania and those of enterprises of the Republic of Lithuania and foreign countries which operate on the basis of concession contracts. Concession is defined as the right to use the existing state-owned or municipal property or property that is to be created, which is granted under contract for the performance of certain business activity.

  3. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    For the purpose of improving legal land relationships, introducing the market of land use rights and ensuring stable functioning thereof, and creating an efficient lending system in agriculture, the President orders a series of measures with respect to the sale and registration of land, and the sale of land rights deriving from the Agricultural Land Fund. A Committee for Sale Rights to Use Land Parcels of the Agricultural Land Redistribution Fund shall be created at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

  4. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    In order to remove the violations in calculation and payment of the rents, in regulation of the use of the land plots of the Agricultural Lands Redistribution Reserve under the Ministry of agriculture and water economy of the Kyrgyz Republic the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic hereby decrees that seed production and cattle breeding farms, dairy farms having not less than 10 milk cows using the lands of Agricultural Lands Redistribution Reserve under the Ministry of agriculture and water economy of the Kyrgyz Republic shall be free from rent and shall pay only the land tax.

  5. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    With the object of stabilizing an economic situation of agrarian and industrial branch, the Government of the Republic of Kyrghyzstan states: to retain for the period of time till 1996 free use (with no rent) of pasture plots allocated by farms for remote livestock-breeding outside their administrative boundaries on the territory of other rayons and oblasts of the Republic of Kyrghyzstan; to determine that kolkhozes, sovkhozes and other agricultural enterprises using remote pasture plots on the territory of other rayons shall annually deposit land tax to the special accounts of the state ad

  6. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    These Regulation make provision for the Government Agency on Land Organization and Land Resources at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter - Goszemagenstvo), its functions, rights, and internal organization. Goszemagenstvo shall be a Republican agency of government management that shall exercise the uniform policy on management of land resources and regulation of land relations.

  7. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    The scope of the principal Act is to improve the structure of agriculture and forestry as well as rural activities in general. The amendments concern, inter alia, the scope of the Act in the light of the common agricultural policy of the European Communities, the definitions of enterprise restructuring and certain others, economic requirements for the granting of financial support (sect. 70), support for investment (sect. 15), loans for the acquisition of land (sect. 16), investment subsidies for small-scale economic activities (sect. 19), start-up capital (sect.

  8. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree approves the Interim Regulations on state registration of rights to use land. Registration of land use rights is conducted by the bodies of the State Agency on Land Management and Land Resources placed under the Government of the Kyrghyz Republic (Goszemagentstvo). Part II contains principles and legal status of state registration.

  9. Library Resource
    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Decree approves a proposal of the Working Group, established by the Government Decree dated 4 September 1995, on the implementation of the pilot projects on land and immovable property rights registration in Kant rayon of Chui oblast and Kara-Soo rayon of Osh oblast and makes provision for the carrying out of the proposal through the setting up of a Management Group and Rayon (City) Departments of state registration of land and immovable property rights for the purpose of conducting a pilot project.

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