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  1. Library Resource

    Bekendtgørelse af lov om indkøbsforeninger for mindre virksomheder i landdistrikterne

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries may approve the statutes of purchasing pools for small businesses in rural areas. It shall lay down rules on supervisory performance and oversees that the associations utilize the given loans in accordance with this Act.

  2. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Minister of Agriculture shall grant authorization for funds to small farming cooperatives, provided that their purpose is to purchase livestock, farming machinery and other technical equipment used in small farms and rural households.

  3. Library Resource

    Lov om miljøvern på Svalbard (Svalbardmiljøloven).

    Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Europe, Northern Europe

    The purpose of this Act is to preserve the environment in Svalbard and in particular to protect wilderness, landscape elements, flora, fauna and cultural heritage. The Act shall apply to the entire land area of Svalbard and its waters within the territorial limit. The Act consists of 103 sections divided into 10 Chapters.The Act defines the environmental protection authorities for Svalbard. Protected areas may be established for the protection of habitats, ecosystems, the wilderness or area of natural or historical value.

  4. Library Resource

    Bekendtgoerelse af lov om beskyttelse af de ydre koge i Toendermarsken.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act applies to Tøndermarsken area and aims to protect the outer borders and the lower part of watercourse Vidå and establish it as a conservation area of national and international interest. Construction, fishing, hunting and planting of trees and plants are not permitted. Dyke systems are applied to watercourses for water supply.

  5. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act applies to Tøndermarsken area and aims to protect the outer borders and the lower part of watercourse Vidå and establish it as a conservation area of national and international interest. Construction, fishing, hunting and planting of trees and plants are not permitted. Dyke systems are applied to watercourses for water supply.

  6. Library Resource
    Poland, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Act, which is composed of eight Chapters, lays down principles of protection of agricultural and forest lands, recultivation and improvement of land quality. Agricultural lands are protected by: limitation of their allocation for other purposes; prevention from degradation and devastation; recultivation; and preservation of peat areas and natural water reservoirs. Forest lands are protected by: limitation of their allocation for other purposes; prevention from degradation and devastation; restoration of land value; and prevention from reduction of productivity.

  7. Library Resource

    Zakon o ochrane a vyuzivani polnohospodarskej pody a o zmene zakona o integrovanej prevencii a kontrole znecistovania zivotneho prostredia a o zmene a doplneni niektorych zakonov.

    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Act is composed of the following Sections: Introductory provisions (sec. 1); Principles of sustainable usage of agricultural land and maintenance of agricultural land and its protection (sec. 2); Changing classification of land (sec. 3); Protection of agricultural land during non-agricultural usage (sec. 4); State administration of agricultural land protection (sec. 5); Offences (sec. 6); Common, provisional and final provisions (sec. 7).

  8. Library Resource

    Zakon o uprave majetkovych vztahu a vyporadani majetkovych naroku v druzstvach.

    Czech Republic, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act, which is composed of seven Sections, sets out provisions regulating ownership relations as well as settlement of related disputes in companies. Particular regard is given to agricultural enterprises.

  9. Library Resource

    Lov om Statstidende.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act enforces the keeping of a database containing messages recorded in the Official Gazette in order for the public to access this information. Electronic, printed Official Gazette and electronic mass extraction of information include social security numbers for specific groups of recipients.The Act consists of 8 Chapters (of which Chapters 7-8 without titles): Official Gazette (1); Recording of notices in the Official Gazette (2); Publication (3); Payment arrangements (4); Penal provisions (5); Entry into force (6).

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