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  1. Library Resource

    Lag om samverkansorgan i länen.

    Sweden, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act sets guidelines on the function and responsibility of cooperative bodies in a municipality.

  2. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The purpose of this Act is to prevent, reduce and eliminate land pollution and avoid adverse effects from soil contamination through technical inspection projects. Chapter 4b relates to the clearing of soil and groundwater significant pollution caused by certain activities which will assess their environmental state and submit to the Environment and Food Ministry. A report on necessary steps and measures to be taken for the elimination of such pollution shall be issued by the environmental authorities.

  3. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act's purpose is to help prevent, eliminate or reduce contamination by avoiding harmful effects from contamination of groundwater, human health and the environment in general.It consists of 13 Chapters: Purpose (1): Contamination Survey and authorization of change land use (2); Public investigation and remedial action (3); Loss of value arrangements for homeowners (4); Injunction to polluters (5); Disposal and use of land (6); Administrative rules (7); Monitoring and enforcement (8); Miscellaneous provisions (9); Appeals and legal proceedings (10); Penalty (11); Entry into force and tra

  4. Library Resource

    Bekendtgørelse af lov om forurenet jord.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act’s purpose is to prevent, eliminate or/and reduce land contamination to avoid adverse effects from soil contamination through technical inspection projects.The Act consists of 13 Chapters (of which Chapter 12 is omitted): Purpose (1); Pollution Survey and permission to land use change etc. (2); The public investigation and remedial action (3); Loss of value scheme for homeowners, etc.

  5. Library Resource

    Gesetz vom 25. März 1992 über die Erhaltung und Sicherung des landwirtschaftlich nutzbaren Bodens.

    Liechtenstein, Western Europe, Europe

    The present Act lays down provisions relating to the permanent protection of soil against misappropriation in order to guarantee self-sufficiency and conserve the rural structures. The text consists of 8 articles as follows: Principle (1); Separation of municipalities (2); Soil requirements (3); Safeguard of agricultural land (4); Deadline (5); Provisional agricultural zone (6); Proceedings (7); Entry into force (8).

  6. Library Resource
    March, 1992

    The present Act lays down provisions relating to the permanent protection of soil against misappropriation in order to guarantee self-sufficiency and conserve the rural structures. The text consists of 8 articles as follows: Principle (1); Separation of municipalities (2); Soil requirements (3); Safeguard of agricultural land (4); Deadline (5); Provisional agricultural zone (6); Proceedings (7); Entry into force (8).

  7. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act prescribes measures to prevent or combat oil pollution caused to soil, water and plant and animal life by the spillage of crude oil products derived from it, including waste. A person who stores large quantities of oil shall acquire equipment and materials to combat oil pollution. The Ministry of Environment shall be the main authority for purposes of this Act. The Act furthermore defines various duties of persons who manage or possess oil and local authorities in case of accidents involving oil and defines offences.

  8. Library Resource

    Bekendtgørelse af lov om kystbeskyttelse.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The purpose of this Act is to protect national coasts to avoid flooding and degradation of land from the sea, fiords and other territorial sea areas. Coastal protection methods take into consideration the following: economic consideration, coastal protection measures of technical and environmental quality, coastal landscape conservation and restoration, recreational use of the coast, ensure the maintenance of existing access to the coast, and other issues of significant importance for coastal protection.

  9. Library Resource

    Bekendtgørelse af Lov om bygningsfredning og bevaring af bygninger og bymiljøer.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act aims to protect the country's older buildings of architectural, cultural and environmental value.The Act consists of 11 Chapters: Scope and purpose (1); Conservation (2); Legal implications of conservation (3); Support for listed and landmark buildings (4); Landmark buildings (5); Registration and scheduling (6); The Special Buildings (7); Managing, counseling (8); Miscellaneous provisions (9); Penalty (10); Entry into force and transitional provisions (11).

  10. Library Resource

    Bekendtgørelse af lov om randzoner.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act sets regulations related to the fertilization of soil in rural areas (soil conditioners, spraying, cultivation, etc.) which is not permitted in buffer zones of maximum 10 meters from the shores of open water courses and lakes with a surface area of more than 100 square meters (article 1). These regulations do not apply to land used for forestry, gardens or fish farming activities. The document is regulated by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.

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