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  1. Library Resource
    May, 2017

    La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto la regulación de los instrumentos de ordenación territorial, el uso del suelo y la actividad urbanística en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, en aspectos relacionados con la regulación de la tipología de las explotaciones mineras, entre las que prima la explotación a cielo abierto, con instalaciones de tamaño variable, desde pequeñas canteras hasta grandes instalaciones mineras, y en lo específico a la actividad de extracción de mineral en el subsuelo, que se autorizará en determinadas condiciones, siempre que se respeten los valores que co

  2. Library Resource
    November, 2004

    Regional state nature reserve “Dolgaya polyana” (Long clearing) shall be classified as complex, constituted with a view of conservation of natural ecosystems and objects of historical and cultural heritage of regional significance. The following activities shall be prohibited: (a) land reclamation and irrigation; (b) soil disturbance; (c) all types of hunting; (d) gathering of zoological, botanical and mineral collections; (e) application of toxic chemicals, mineral fertilizers and pesticides; and (f) burning of vegetation.

  3. Library Resource
    August, 2004

    This Regional Decree establishes that state nature reserve “Chulpan” shall be classified as cultivated land (landscape) protected area constituted for the purpose of conservation of cultivated land and land reclamation area as a reference model erosion-resistant ecologically balanced agriculture in water erosion zone.

  4. Library Resource
    June, 2017

    This Regional Legislative Decree, consisting of 171 articles divided into nine Chapters, establishes the general bases of the Public Policy for Land, Regional Territorial Planning and Urbanism within the Autonomous Region of Madeira. This Regional Legislative Decree under Law n. 31/2014, of May 30, defines the regional system for the territorial management.

  5. Library Resource
    October, 2016

    La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto la regulación de los instrumentos de ordenación territorial, el uso del suelo y la actividad urbanística en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, en aspectos relacionados con la regulación del derecho de realojo y retorno en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, con la finalidad de impedir que ningún afectado por la acción urbanística de expropiación forzosa pueda verse entorpecido en el legítimo derecho de acceder a una vivienda digna y en condiciones realmente asumibles, ofreciendo una vivienda de sustitución a cambio de la que resulta expropia

  6. Library Resource
    December, 2016
    Czech Republic

    Part 1 of this Decree of the Ministry of Environment lays down some amendments and addenda to Decree on requirements for the landfill of waste. In particular, it establishes new requirements for the content of pollutants in wastes used on the terrain surface, requirements for the content of pollutants in sediments used on the terrain surface (replaced Annex 10) and conditions for the use of waste on the surface of the ground (replaced Annex 11). Part 2 of the present Decree lays down some amendments to Decree on waste disposal.

  7. Library Resource
    May, 2016
    Czech Republic

    This Decree of the Ministry of Environment lays down detailed rules for the quality protection of agricultural land. The preventive values of hazardous substances in the agricultural land are set out in Annex 1. The indicative values of hazardous substances in agricultural land are set out in Annex 2. Determination of the contents of hazardous substances in agricultural land shall be carried out using the procedures is specified in Annex 3. The sampling procedure for determination of contents of hazardous substances in agricultural land is set out in Annex 4.

  8. Library Resource
    August, 2017

    This Law amends article 78 of the general basis for policies on public soils, land use and urbanism. Amended article establishes that the special territorial planning plans in force shall be transposed, according to the law, to the inter-municipal or municipal master plan and other plans applicable to the area covered by the special plans, until 13 July 2020. Provisions shall apply to special plans relating to alteration, suspension and preventive measures applicable to inter-municipal and municipal plans.

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