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  1. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Decree aims at preventing pollution caused by the discharge of sludge from water cleaning or discharge installations and lays down rules relative to the right to use of sludge for agricultural purposes. Use of sludge in general requires a permit from the municipal authorities. Producers or suppliers of sludge shall be responsible for the declaration of contents which shall be drawn up in accordance with provisions contained in Annex II. Section 10 prescribes limit values for heavy metals in sludge and section 11 lays down rules relative to use of sludge on land.

  2. Library Resource

    Midlertidig forskrift for regulering av naturinngrep på Svalbard og Jan Mayen.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The provisions of this Decree of the Ministry of Environment apply to all activities which comport a change in the natural environment or the landscape including drilling for oil and industrial activities. As a rule, plans for such activities shall be submitted for approval to Department at least 1 year before they are implemented (sect. 2). The Department may require modification of plans and appoint an inspector (sect. 3). The Department shall supervise activities and prevent pollution of natural resources. In accordance with provisions of section 9 the Department may withdraw approval.

  3. Library Resource
    Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Decree of the Ministry of Environment consists of 25 sections divided into 6 Chapters: Scope and applications sphere (I); General rules (II); Activities which shall be communicated (III); Rules for all activities (IV); Supervision and control (V); Miscellaneous provisions (VI). The scope of this Regulation is to prevent pollution and other events in Svalbard and its territorial waters which may cause harm to the fauna and flora and the natural environment. Section 5 prohibits discharge of waste which may cause harm to the environment.

  4. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    Provisions concern applications for permits made under sections 11 and 29 of the Pollution Act of 1981. They do not apply to applications which can be made also on the acts regulating surface waters or the Continental Shelf Act. The application for a permit shall include: name and address of applicant, planned activities for which a permit is sought, the property affected, foreseen pollution and its effects, planned measures for the limitation of pollution, and other interests which may be affected. Sections 3 and 4 provide for communication to authorities and publication.

  5. Library Resource

    Lov om skjønn og ekspropriasjonssaker.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act makes provision for the expropriation of private land for public purposes. It consists of 59 sections which are divided into 2 Chapters: Appraisal (I); Procedures relative to expropriation (II).Chapter I provides for the appraisal of real property either by judicial decision or by the Office of the County Chief. Appraisal of the property shall take place in the district in which the property is situated. Appraisal officials shall be appointed in each district. Appraisal and valuation can be requested by owners or shall be done pursuant to law or agreement.

  6. Library Resource

    Lov om oreigning av fast eigedom.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act provides rules relative to the expropriation of real property by the State and local authorities.The Act consists of 34 sections divided into 8 Chapters: What can be expropriated and for what purposes. Measures and interventions relating to expropriation (I); Procedure (II); Valuation of property (III); Compensation (IV); Forced expropriation (V); Miscellaneous provisions (VI); Transitional provisions (VII); Entry into force and repeal of other laws (VIII). Section 2 lists all purposes for which expropriation may take place.

  7. Library Resource

    Lov om pant.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act makes provision for liens and mortgages in relation to immovable property. The sections of this Act are divided into 7 Chapters: General provisions (I); Contractually agreed security on real property (II); Security on movables (liens on equipment in economic operations; liens on goods in warehouses; Sales-related liens) (III); Agreed liens on valuables (IV); Outlay liens (utlegg) (V); Security established pursuant to law (VI); Entry into force, transitional provision, modification and repeal of Acts (VII).Chapter II contains rules relative to the establishment of mortgages.

  8. Library Resource

    Lov om kartlegging, deling og registrering av grunneiendom (Delingsloven).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act provides rules relative to the identification of borders and ownership of land.The sections of this Act are divided into 5 Chapters: General provisions (I); Survey (II); Partition of land (III); Registration and related matters (IV); Miscellaneous provisions, entry into force, and amendment of other Acts (V).The municipalities are vested with the authority to register real property and to decide on matters of partition (sect. 3). Section 4 of Chapter II deals with marking of borders.

  9. Library Resource

    Lov om vern mot forurensninger og om avfall (Forurensningsloven).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act provides rules for the prevention of pollution of the environment.

  10. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The text of this Decree of the Department of Agriculture consists of 24 sections divided into 4 Chapters: General introductory provisions (I); Implementation and maintenance (II); Ecological cultivation and ecological cleaning measures (III); Final provisions (IV). The aim of granting incentives for investment is to protect agricultural land, to prevent erosion and pollution of the soil, and to enhance biodiversity and natural beauty. Measures are classified as "technical ecological measures" and "ecological planting and cleaning measures".

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