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  1. Library Resource
    February, 2013

    La présente ordonnance porte la réglementation relative aux émoluments et indemnités à percevoir dans la procédure d’expropriation. Le texte est formé par 25 articles répartis en 4 chapitres comme suit: Emoluments (I); Indemnités journalières, autres indemnités et débours (II); Perception des émoluments et des indemnités (III); Dispositions finales (IV).

    Met en oeuvre: Loi fédérale sur l’expropriation (LEx). (2012-01-01)
    Abroge: Ordonnance sur les émoluments et indemnités à percevoir dans la procédure d’expropriation. (1999-09-09)

  2. Library Resource
    August, 2017

    Regulation on the content and elaboration of the documentation for the formation of real estate objects regulates the content and method of developing cadastral documentation for the formation of land plots irrespective of their specific uses, the absence or presence of constructions thereon, the formation of buildings and isolated premises, regardless of the type of property, as well as the formation of land plots of public property.

  3. Library Resource
    November, 2017

    Regulation on organization and functioning of Public Property Agency establishes the mission, spheres of competence, functions and rights of the Agency. The Agency is the central administrative body, subordinated to the Government, which ensures the implementation of the state policy in the areas pertaining to its competence.

  4. Library Resource
    April, 2017
    United Kingdom

    These Regulations amend the Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Wales) Regulations 2015 in provisions on: the procedure in relation to applications referred to the Welsh Ministers pursuant to a direction under section 20 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990 (“the PHSA”), including provision for an applicant to submit a full statement of case within a specified timescale if the applicant so chooses; the procedure in relation to appeals under section 21 of the PHSA and against hazardous substances contravention notices.

  5. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    November, 2016
    Azerbaijan, Belarus

    This Agreement provides for cooperation in the field of state property management and privatization, land relations, sectoral geodetic activities, state registration of immovable property, rights thereto and transactions therewith, land valuation, keeping of relevant inventories, registers and records will be implemented in accordance with national legislation of the Parties in the following areas: (a) exchange of information on the normative legal acts of the Parties on the issues of public administration of property and privatization, land relations, industrial geodetic activity, state re

  6. Library Resource
    November, 2000

    Basée sur l’ordonnance n° 2000-914 du 18 septembre 2000 modifiée par l'ordonnance n° 2012-6 du 5 janvier 2012, la partie législative du Code de l'environnement français comprend sept (7) livres, entre autres, les dispositions communes (Livre I); les milieux physiques (Livre II); les espaces naturels (Livre III); le patrimoine naturel (Livre IV); la prévention des pollutions, des risques et des nuisances (Livre V); les dispositions applicables en Nouvelle-Calédonie, en Polynésie Française, à Wallis et Futuna, dans les terres australes et antarctiques françaises et à Mayotte (Livre VI); et la

  7. Library Resource
    May, 2016

    This Regional Law regulates relations originating in the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage of regional significance. Identified objects of cultural heritage shall be subject to mandatory state registration. Establishment and mapping of the boundaries of land areas containing objects of cultural heritage and land-use planning within the boundaries of the aforesaid areas, and special regime of land tenure shall be validated by the Regional Government.

  8. Library Resource
    June, 2005

    This Regulation determines the conditions for: management, assignment of maintenance and restoration activities; assignment of tourist activities; implementation of forest security and control issues; implementation of management issues as regards the water areas present on the territory of previously designed state owned protected areas (also for national parks, reserves).The management and assignment of activities here listed will be in full accordance with the national strategies, plans and programmes in the field of environment, including the requirements of the international environmen

  9. Library Resource
    April, 2017
    United Kingdom

    These Regulations contain provisions relating to: (a) the contents of enforcement notices issued under section 172 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the information to be provided by local planning authorities when serving copies of such notices; (b) the procedure to be followed in relation to appeals against such notices and against listed building and conservation areas enforcement notices issued under section 38(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (Part 3); and (c) the application of the Regulations to such notices issued by the National

  10. Library Resource
    April, 2017
    United Kingdom

    This Order amend the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 Main amendments concern: the procedure in relation to applications referred to the Welsh Ministers pursuant to a direction under section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990; the procedure in relation to appeals under section 78 of the 1990 Act; he procedure for appeals under section 195 of the 1990 Act (appeals against refusal or failure to give decision on application for a certificate of lawfulness of existing or proposed use or development).

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