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  1. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act amends the Act relative to agricultural properties so as to provide for the abolition of requirements regarding the notice for the termination of a leasehold and to provide for the possibility to issue rules regarding the keeping of animals by the Minister and to provide rules regarding the size of land.

    Amends: Act relative to agricultural properties (Act No. 435 of 2004). (2004-06-09)

  2. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    Amendments of three important environment protection laws relative to the redistribution of tasks of law enforcement with the public administration.

    Amends: Act containing rules relative to protection of the soil (Soil Protection Act). (2010-07-19)
    Amends: Act containing provisions concerning general matters of environmental hygiene (Environment Management Act). (2012-03-19)

  3. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act amends provisions of the principal Act with the scope of bringing about improvement of the offer of arable land including land suitable for fast growing timber forestry. Provisions deal with revision of lease rates, alienation of land within 10 years after acquisition with preferential rights by former leaseholders, public lease, special short-term lease contracts, protection of leaseholders against strict terms imposed by landlords and other connected matters. (5 articles)

  4. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act amends the water Supply Act and the Act relative to watercourses in relation to changes in the administration of matters regarding land and in particular with regard to the assessment of the value of land that is subject to expropriation and relative compensation.

    Amended by: Act on land development and registration in the land register (No. 1213 of 2013). (2013-10-07)
    Amends: Water Supply Act (No. 190 of 1999). (1999-06-02)
    Amends: Act on Watercourses (No. 882 of 2004). (2004-08-18)
    Amends: Fisheries Act (No. 281 of 1999). (1999-05-12)

  5. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Act amends Act No. 109/88 on Agrarian Reform. It consists of amended articles defining new principles in order to manage this sector and promote agricultural development: land expropriation requirements, agricultural land use, land rights, land concession, land lease, land inheritance, protected zones, etc.

    Implemented by: Decree-Law No. 12/91 regulating the right of use of expropriated lands. (1991-01-09)
    Amends: Act No. 109/88 on Agrarian Reform. (1988-09-29)

  6. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    The objective of this Act is to organize a national information service concerning real estate and other units of land and water areas based on information technology. This service is implemented by means of a centralized Land Information System which is intended for public use. The Land Information System comprises data referred to in the Cadastre Register Act (392/1995) and data entered into the land register as well as other data as laid down in other legislation.

  7. Library Resource
    Italy, Europe, Southern Europe

    The purpose of the present Act is to establish a public intervention scheme for the rational exploitation of environmental resources. The scope of this plan is remediation and restoration of polluted sites involving marine areas, lakes and rivers. The Ministry of Health shall start the plan, together with the Regions, in national interest sites and in industrial areas (art. 1). Incentives and financial contribution shall be given to industries and industry consortia interested in the research and development of new rehabilitation technologies.

  8. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    These Acts are amended to as to provide for the integration of the Topographic Office of the Ministry of Defence in the Service for the cadastre and public registers as mentioned in article 2 of the Cadastre Organization Act.

    Amends: Cadastre Act. (2010-07-18)
    Amends: Act concerning the independent status of the State Cadastre Office (Cadastre Organization Act). (2010-07-18)

  9. Library Resource
    Italy, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Act puts into effect the Convention on the protection of the Alps of 7 November 1991. Moreover, article 3 describes the institutional framework which shall be involved in the effective implementation of the Convention. The Ministry of the Environment shall ensure the implementation of the Convention in cooperation with the competent Ministries, according to the specific related Protocols, and in collaboration with the Central Government-Regions Counsel set up for the Alpine area.

  10. Library Resource

    Lov om reindrift (reindriftsloven).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The scope of this Act is to promote the ecologically-sustainable reindeer husbandry based on Sami culture, traditions and customs. The Act provides for rights and duties of reindeer herders; regulates the relationship with other economic activities having regard to the general interest; regulates the relationship between reindeer herders as far as necessary; and lays the foundation for administration and organization of reindeer husbandry. The Act provides for the establishment of reindeer districts which shall be administered by a district council.

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