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  1. Library Resource
    October, 2009
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    This Regulation prescribe the methods, form and content, data collection and official records delivery rules regarding the agricultural land present on the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, namely classified by: cadastral cultures and cadastral classes; surface and purpose for which uses change; land consolidated surfaces; hydro-ameliorated surfaces; ownership structure; uncultivated, abandoned and mined areas; and surfaces used, managed and/or disposed by a legal entity.The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.

  2. Library Resource
    February, 2003

    The present Law lays down provisions relating to the right of wood and pasture exploitation in the Region of Carinthia. The text consists of 63 articles divided into 9 chapters as follows: General provisions (I); New regulation and regulation of traditional rights (II); Transfer of exploitation rights (III); Safeguard of rights of use (IV); Basic rights of wood cutting in case of need (V); Special field services (VI); Authorities and proceedings (VII); Penalties (VIII).

  3. Library Resource
    October, 2000

    The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to the treatment of sewage sludge, biogenic waste, biowaste, and green waste on agricultural land. The text consists of 13 articles dealing with definition of terms, treatment of biogenic waste and sewage sludge, requirements of biogenic waste to be used on agricultural land, bringing into circulation, and entry into force. Seven Annexes are enclosed.

  4. Library Resource
    June, 2016

    Regulation 435 of 2016 amends and supplements certain definitions laid down in Regulation 1347 of 2008 as well as its sections 7, 12, and 17. According to the amendment, the line Ministry has to request a technical report from the municipality within one week of an application submission while the municipality has to respond and prepare a technical report within 10 days of the request. Further, the value of the removed pasture area has to be paid in full before the approval is issued.

  5. Library Resource
    June, 2009
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    This Regulation prescribe the necessary contents of the documentation and administrative forms that are to be included when drafting/preparing the forest or forest land communication projects (such as the construction of forest road for vehicles, reconstruction of forest truck routes and tractor/trailway paths).As defined by this text, forest communications/connections are primary used for forestry purposes as well as for the needs of the local population.

    Implements: Forest Law (Republic of Srpska). (2008-07-17)

  6. Library Resource
    January, 2017

    These Regulations apply to certain public agricultural land, namely to land that belongs to the Government and which is mainly let for the growing of crops, flowers, fruit-trees or vines and for cognate agricultural purposes. These provisions regulate the transfer and lease of such agricultural land.

  7. Library Resource
    National Policies
    September, 2009
    United Kingdom

    The Strategy's vision by 2030 aims at soils being managed sustainably and degradation threats tackled successfully. This will improve the quality of England’s soils and safeguard their ability to provide essential services for future generations.

  8. Library Resource
    National Policies
    March, 2004
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    The Mid-Term Development Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PRSP) is a strategic instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, relating to the period 2004-2007, whose main goals are (i) to create conditions for sustainable and balanced economic development, (ii) to reduce poverty, and (iii) to accelerate the integration of the country into the European Union. The strategy lays down macroeconomic and fiscal measures, and promotes the private sector growth to attain the objectives above-mentioned.

  9. Library Resource
    December, 2009

    This Law regulates relations concerning ownership, land tenure, and disposal of agricultural land, establishing plenary powers of regional administration and local government in the sphere of turnover of agricultural land. It establishes terms and conditions for allotment of plots of agricultural land pertaining to state and municipal property. Agricultural land shall be used exclusively for agricultural production.

  10. Library Resource
    January, 2016
    United Kingdom

    These Regulations amend the transitional provisions in the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 to include development plans prepared and adopted by the Department under the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1972 within the definition of a departmental development plan under the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.

    Amends: Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 (S.R. No. 62 of 2015). (2015-02-16)

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