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  1. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Act concerns Agrarian Reform. It consists of 51 articles laying down general principles in order to manage this sector: land expropriation requirements, agricultural land use, land rights, land concession, lease, etc.

    Implemented by: Decree-Law No. 12/91 regulating the right of use of expropriated lands. (1991-01-09)
    Amended by: Act No. 46/90 amending Act No. 109/88 on Agrarian Reform. (1990-08-22)

  2. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    Section 15 of Chapter 11 concerns the establishment of financial compensation by the Water Court for transfer or giving up of real property or rights of use or any other right which results in an income for purposes of this Act. The decision of the Water Court shall be deposited with the County Council.

    Amends: Water Act (No. 264 of 1961). (2005-09-02)

  3. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Regulation is issued pursuant to sections 3, 4, and 17 of the Act relative to the right to acquire agricultural and forest land (No. 391/78). Section 1 deals with the sale of land by municipalities. Certain conditions for the alienation and use of land are specified also in relation to the receipt of financial contributions in accordance with Act 1295 of 1990 and Act 391 of 1978. (8 sections)

  4. Library Resource
    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The purpose of this Act is to establish the fundamental objectives and rules of regional development and land use planning, and to define the institutional system therefor. This Act shall apply to the implementation of regional development and land use planning duties on national and regional level, and the provisions of this Act shall apply to natural persons and legal entities, as well as unincorporated organizations participating in or affected by the above activities.

  5. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    The scope of the principal Act is to improve the living standards and the opportunity of earning of persons involved in agriculture or forestry in specific "skolt" areas in

    Implements: Skolt Area Act (No. 611 of 1984). (1984-08-24)

  6. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    Made under section 18 of the Agriculture Act 1986 which gives the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the power to designate an area of England as an environmentally sensitive area, this Order provides for an agreement between the Minister and a farmer. In the designated area prescribed agricultural methods shall be adopted so as to conserve, protect or enhance environmental features in that area. For this purpose the Minister may enter into a management agreement with any person having an interest in agricultural land in any designated area.

  7. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Order is made under section 18 of the Agriculture Act 1986 which gives the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the power to designate an area of England as an environmentally sensitive area. In such area particular agricultural methods shall be adopted so as to conserve, protect or enhance environmental features in that area. For this purpose the Minister may enter into a management agreement with any person having an interest in agricultural land in any designated area.

  8. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Act provides for the use of public uncultivated lands. It consists of 42 articles specifying the requirements to be met in order to exploit these lands, establishing the conditions for land expropriation, concession, use, etc. It lays down duties, competencies and composition of national administration responsible for the management of these lands, fees to be paid, land lease, etc.

    Repealed by: Law No. 75/2017 establishing the regime on uncultivated lands and other community productive lands. (2017-08-17)

  9. Library Resource

    1997. évi LXXVIII. törvény az épített környezet alakításáról és védelméről

    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The purpose of the regulation of urban areas is to achieve rational use of the built environment and infrastructure; regulate local constructions; develop and protect natural and artificial environment; harmonize national, regional, local and private interests. In accordance with national rules on construction, local governments define their own rules.

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