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  1. Library Resource

    Wet van 10 december 2003 tot wijziging van de Meststoffenwet en van de Wet herstructurering varkenshouderij in verband met het schrappen van de tweede generieke korting en het aanbrengen van enkele praktische verbeteringen.

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This amendment of the Fertilizing Substances Act concerns some practical improvements so as to take away obstacles to the merger of pig breeding enterprises in relation with allocation of fertilizer production quotas.

    Amends: Act containing rules relative to the trade in and the disposal of fertilizing substances (Fertilizing Substances Act). (2012-03-19)

  2. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    The amendments of the principal Act concern the responsibility of the State to pay compensation for, and in particular for assessment of compensation in the case no settlement can be reached, the assessment of projects and plans on significant adverse effect on the ecological value a site included in, or proposed by the Council of State for inclusion in, the Natura 2000 network. Section 66 concerns granting of permits to implement a project and adoption and ratification of plans

    Amends: Nature Conservation Act (No. 1096 of 1996). (2011-06-10)

  3. Library Resource
    Italy, Europe, Southern Europe

    With a view to effecting the environmental protection of the bed of rivers and lakes, which dry up and become exposed as a result of a natural or man-made change in the former course of the river or surface of the lake, the statute reverses the rules governing ownership of newly-exposed river or lake beds (called riveraine and lacustrine "appurtenances"), which henceforth shall accrue to the State in lieu of the owners of riparian or coastal land.

  4. Library Resource

    Wet van 19 januari 2006, houdende regels met betrekking tot zuinig en doelmatig ruimtegebruik en optimale leefomgevingskwaliteit in stedelijk en landelijk gebied en met betrekking tot coördinatie van procedures (Interimwet stad-en-milieubenadering).

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act provides for the possibility of exemptions from environmental requirements regarding soil, air and noise prescribed by other legislation in force in the interest of the parsimonious and rational use of living space and optimization of the living environment in urban and rural areas and provides rules relative to procedures of decision making at municipal level and the coordination of decision making.

  5. Library Resource

    Wet van 19 januari 2012 inzake instelling van de Raad voor de leefomgeving en infrastructuur (Wet Raad voor de leefomgeving en infrastructuur).

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act establishes the Council for the Living Environment and Infrastructure, which shall advise the Government and the two houses of parliament regarding sustainable development of infrastructure, spatial planning, the and the environment, and in particular on a wide variety of matters including, climate policy, water, agriculture, nature conservation and food quality. The Council shall also advise on hazardous substances and disaster prevention and management.

  6. Library Resource
    Italy, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Act consists of 6 articles regulating the acquisition of small rural estates through usucapion. As provided for in article 2, the provisions contained in article 1159-bis of the Civil Code relating to usucapion shall apply to agricultural lands as well. Article 3 defines the procedure for obtaining the recognition of ownership rights. The occupant shall resort to the competent Judge submitting the documentation and evidence referred to in article 3, paragraph 1.

  7. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This amendment of the principal Act again sharpens criteria of regulating mineral charges in order to better protect water against pollution by nitrates, raises mineral charges, and prescribes rules for the size of production of manure on farms. The maximum allowed quantity of manure production depends now on the possibility and capacity of producers to use such manure on their own land or to place upon the market through so-called fertilizer sale-purchase agreements. Another criteria for production is the "fertilizer storage capacity".

  8. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    In order to comply with Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning protection of water waters against pollution of nitrate from agricultural sources the norms regarding the use of nitrates are sharpened and charges increased by the present Act. Furthermore, rules are introduced so as to place further limits on the production of manure and to make the granting of production capacity dependent upon the capacity to use the manure on the producers' lands or to place that manure on the markets.

  9. Library Resource

    Lov om oreigning av fast eigedom.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act provides rules relative to the expropriation of real property by the State and local authorities.The Act consists of 34 sections divided into 8 Chapters: What can be expropriated and for what purposes. Measures and interventions relating to expropriation (I); Procedure (II); Valuation of property (III); Compensation (IV); Forced expropriation (V); Miscellaneous provisions (VI); Transitional provisions (VII); Entry into force and repeal of other laws (VIII). Section 2 lists all purposes for which expropriation may take place.

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