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Showing items 1 through 9 of 6039.
  1. Library Resource
    December, 2010

    This Regional Law establishes the legal basis for the development of mountainous areas of the Republic of Dagestan, the preservation and rational use of their natural resources and cultural heritage. Mountain territory shall be considered terrain with rugged relief and relative elevations of 500 m or more within a radius of 25 km, as well as terrain with an absolute height of relief of 1,000 m and more.

  2. Library Resource
    March, 2009

    This Regulation provides for several soil monitoring rules and provisions, including the establishment of the National Soil Monitoring System (NSMF) as competent national body and registry.The above mentioned National Soil Monitoring System is part of the National Environmental Monitoring System and includes the collection, assessment and summarization of all soil related information as well as the maintenance of a soil information system and its necessary modifications and updates.These rules are aimed at assessing the actual status of soils, analyzing and forecasting the development of va

  3. Library Resource
    July, 2016

    This Federal Law establishes a new procedure for disposing of land plots, the state ownership of which is not delimited. So, the plots located on the territory of the rural settlement that is part of the municipal district and in the inter-settlement territories of the municipal district shall be allotted to citizens and legal entities by the local government of this municipal district, unless otherwise established by the current legislation.

  4. Library Resource
    July, 2016

    This Federal Law specifies the powers of local governments to implement municipal land control. According to the law, local self-government bodies of the municipal district exercise control over objects of land relations located on the inter-settlement territory of the municipal district.

  5. Library Resource
    October, 2011

    The Law determines principles for spatial development planning in Latvia. Its purpose is to ensure such spatial development planning that would raise the quality of the living environment, ensure sustainable, effective and rational use of territories and other resources, as well as targeted and balanced development of economy.

  6. Library Resource
    November, 2010
    North Macedonia

    This Regulation stipulates the official list of fertilizers and soil improvers, also in relation to the needs and premises of organic farming (as determined by the article 15 of the Macedonian Law on organic farming).This Regulation adopts the rules contained in the Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 relating to fertilizers; and further transpose the principles contained in the Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 of 5 September 2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 on organi

  7. Library Resource
    March, 2016

    Item 1.10 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Control over enforcement of land legislation for the purpose to verify compliance by citizens with the provisions of land legislation shall be performed staff in charge of local government. Model form of order for performance of inspections shall be validated by normative legal acts of local government”.

    Amends: Regional Decree No. 679 “On the modalities of performance of municipal land control”. (2014-12-29)

  8. Library Resource
    September, 2017

    These Regulations amend the European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Agriculture) Regulations 2011 in various provisions relating to, among other things, application for a screening decision, documents that shall accompany the application, the follow-up on a decisions by the Minister and information for the environmental impact statement. The Regulations also give a new definition of "EIA Directive", “environmental impact assessment” and “EIS”.

  9. Library Resource
    March, 2016

    Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Government shall have preferential rights of purchase of plots of agricultural land at face value except for cases of sale through public tender of expropriation for public or municipal needs”.

    Amends: Regional Law No. 1243-OZ “On turnover of agricultural land”. (2015-03-17)

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