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  1. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    The amendments of the Soil Protection concern Provincial Orders in relation to soil protection surveys, ascertainment of serious pollution, financial matters, hearing of the Technical Commission on Soil Protection on draft Ministerial Orders, and competencies of Municipalities and Polder Boards. Amendments of the Environment Protection Act concern only references made to (amendments of) the Soil Protection Act.

  2. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act amends the Town and Country planning Act in relation with the extension of powers of municipal authorities to regulate and impose conditions regarding the establishment, quality and operation of construction sites and constructed-related operations regarding the soil.

    Amends: Town and Country Planning Act. (2005-02-11)

  3. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    The amendment of the Fertilizing Substances Act and the other Acts concern the prolongation with two years of the period for the existence of manure production rights in the poultry and pig industry.

    Amends: Act containing rules relative to the trade in and the disposal of fertilizing substances (Fertilizing Substances Act). (2012-03-19)

  4. Library Resource

    Wet van 21 april 2004 tot wijziging van de Meststoffenwet in verband met de evaluatie 2002.

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    The amendment of the Fertilizing Substances Act concern some minor and technical corrections of the reduction norms, forfeit rules and mineral levies in the framework of the fertilizing substances production arrangement and some changes regarding the fertilizing substances disposal agreements.

    Amends: Act containing rules relative to the trade in and the disposal of fertilizing substances (Fertilizing Substances Act). (2012-03-19)

  5. Library Resource
    Slovakia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    Article 1 and 2 shall read:” Article 1 (1) The territorial planning shall continually and comprehensively design the spatial arrangement and the functional use of a territory, define its principles, propose material and time coordination of activities influencing the environment, ecological stability, cultural and historical values of a territory, territorial development and landscape creation in compliance with principles of sustainable development.

  6. Library Resource

    Lov om jord (jordlova).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    An Act to provide for the sustainable use of land and natural resources on it.The text of Part I consists of 18 sections divided into 7 Chapters: Purposes of the Act (I); Application sphere of the Act (II); Land use authorities in municipalities and counties (III); Protection of cultivation and arable land (IV); Partition of agricultural land (V); Expropriation and valuation (VI); Miscellaneous provisions (VII).Chapter IV provides for the protection of agricultural use of land and the protection of agricultural land against misuse by men.

  7. Library Resource
    Italy, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Act lays down provisions relating to agrarian contracts, giving particular regard to lease and sharecropping. The Act is divided into three different Titles. Title I regulates lease of agricultural lands and sets out detailed rules in matter of duration (the minimum duration is up to fifteen years), tacit renewal, withdrawal and annulment. Article 8 lays down rules for determining the fair rent. Title II of the Act deals with the conversion of lease into other contracts, such as sharecropping. Article 49 (Title III) provides for the transmission of rights on lands to heirs.

  8. Library Resource

    Lov om pant.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act makes provision for liens and mortgages in relation to immovable property. The sections of this Act are divided into 7 Chapters: General provisions (I); Contractually agreed security on real property (II); Security on movables (liens on equipment in economic operations; liens on goods in warehouses; Sales-related liens) (III); Agreed liens on valuables (IV); Outlay liens (utlegg) (V); Security established pursuant to law (VI); Entry into force, transitional provision, modification and repeal of Acts (VII).Chapter II contains rules relative to the establishment of mortgages.

  9. Library Resource

    Lov om konsesjon og om forkjøpsrett for det offentlige ved erverv av fast eiendom (Konsesjonsloven).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The scope of this Act is to regulate the sale and acquisition of real property, and in particular land used for agricultural purposes, so as to safeguard effective use of such property, to protect the production capacity, and to regulate ownership for the benefit of public good. The interests to be protected are listed in section 1 and include agriculture, forestry and nature conservation. The Act applies to various rights in land including lease. Sections 5 and 6 list exemptions from the duty to obtain a concession. Sections 19 to 21 specify procedures for the granting of concessions.

  10. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    The amendments, in particular those of the Environment Protection Act, concern the disposal of waste matters. Article 10.55 concerns the collection, transport and processing of hazardous waste. The Act on Pollution of Surface Waters concerns information that must be notified by holders of permits to process waste.

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