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Showing items 1 through 9 of 6039.
  1. Library Resource
    March, 2016

    This Regional Decree establishes the modalities of performance of municipal land control by local government. Municipal land control shall be conducted in the form of ordinary and extraordinary inspections of legal persons and individual entrepreneurs. The subject of inspection shall be checking data and information contained in the documentation related to land tenure, to ensure availability and conservation of landmarks.

  2. Library Resource
    July, 1989

    La presente Ley de Ordenación Agraria y Desarrollo Rural, tiene por finalidad mejorar las explotaciones agrarias de la región, reordenando su base territorial e incrementando con ello su rentabilidad en orden al cumplimiento de la función social de la propiedad de la tierra, tendiendo al óptimo uso de ésta y procediendo, cuando sea necesario, a su expropiación y posterior distribución.

  3. Library Resource
    May, 2012

    The scope of this Regional Law shall be to ensure fertility of agricultural land by owners, landlords, land tenants and leaseholders. The main arrangements for ensuring soil fertility shall be: (a) elaboration and realization of regional programs; (b) soil, agrochemical, phytosanitary, ecological and toxicological inspection; (c) investments in soil conservation and reproduction; and (d) improvement of soil quality and fertility.

  4. Library Resource
    March, 2015
    Czech Republic

    This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to Act on the protection of agricultural land. The present Act defines new principles of protection of agricultural land.

  5. Library Resource
    October, 1996

    This Regulation determines the necessary conditions, responsibilities, rights and duties of state and local authorities and sets the obligations of related professional services as regards the implementation of the provisions and effective application of the terms previously set out by the Law on the protection of agricultural land (Official Gazette of the Republic of Bulgaria 35/1996).Concrete actions and rules provided by this Regulation are related to: the consultancy for owners and users of agricultural land; the limits of actions leading to damage to the ecological functions; the prohi

  6. Library Resource
    February, 2016
    United Kingdom

    These Regulations amend section 78YB of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 by substituting a new subsection (1A) into that provision. This new subsection sets out the circumstances in which a remediation notice under Part IIA of that Act (contaminated land) may not be served where the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 ("Regulations")apply.

  7. Library Resource
    February, 2016
    United Kingdom

    This Order, made under section 13(4) and 14(7) of the Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014, provides that, subject to specified conditions e, the material listed in column 2 of the Schedule is qualifying material for the purposes of the lower rate of Scottish landfill tax. The Order provides for conditions that must be met in relation to material that consists of fines where a loss on ignition test in accordance with guidance published by Revenue Scotland must be carried out.

    Implements: Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014 (2014 asp 2). (2014-01-21)

  8. Library Resource
    July, 2015
    Czech Republic

    This Government Regulation lays down, in accordance with European Union legislation, conditions of subsidies for afforestation of agricultural land. Subsidies are granted under the following measures: (a) establishment of forest stands; (b) care of forests for five calendar years starting in the year following the year when the forest was established; (c) cessation of agricultural production on wooded land for a period of ten calendar years starting in the year following the year when the forest was established.

  9. Library Resource
    July, 2016

    Item 6 shall be amended to add the following wording: “State bodies (other state institutions) managing protected areas shall submit protection areas management plant to public hearing”.

    Amends: Decree No. 94 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection regarding some issues of management of protected areas. (2008-10-29)

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