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  1. Library Resource
    Italy, Europe, Southern Europe

    Despite its title, this landmark statute provides the mechanisms for the implementation of a policy of integrated management of land and allied water resources, primarily in a non-urban context, and the institutional arrangements needed to administer and operate such mechanisms (sect. 1). It was enacted largely in response to the state of divided and compartmentalized responsibilities of the central, regional, and local governments in the management of the above-mentioned natural resources.

  2. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act amends other legislation in the field of, among other things, spatial planning, water supply, forestry, agriculture and soil protection in relation with entry into force of the new Town and Country Planning Act. The Act also defines rules of transitional law.

  3. Library Resource

    Lov om husleieavtaler (husleieloven).

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act defines rights and duties of parties involved in agreements relating to the right to the use of property in return for remuneration and provides for arbitration between parties.The Act is divided into 13 Chapters: General provisions(1); Availability for occupation by the tenant and requirements regarding the property (2); Rent and other payment (3); Rent protection (4); The parties’ obligations during the tenancy period (5); Resident representation in certain tenancies of dwellings (6); Inclusion as member of household and sub-letting (7); Change of tenant by transfer or succession

  4. Library Resource

    Lov om vederlag ved oreigning av fast eigedom.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act concerns compensation of the expropriation of real property by the State. Compensation shall be had either according to the sales value (sect. 5) or the use value (sect. 6) of the expropriated property.

  5. Library Resource
    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    "Forest for domestic use" is a forest owned in common property and which serves to satisfy the needs of supply of wood for domestic purposes of the owners. "Use for domestic purposes" seems to include use of timber for carpentry and construction of houses. Such forest shall be managed by a board of members in accordance with rules laid down by the present Act. The board of a forest for domestic use shall be controlled by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. For each forest for which no exemption is in force a management plan shall be adopted by the Department.

  6. Library Resource

    Wet van 15 maart 2007 tot wijziging van de Wet bodembescherming en diverse andere wetten met het oog op nieuwe regels voor de toepassing van bouwstoffen, grond en baggerspecie.

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act makes amendments principally to the Soil Protection but also the Environment Act, the Act on Economic Offences and the Act on Pollution of Surface Waters in relation with deposit in or on the soil of construction materials, soil and dredging. The amendments concern the making of rules for such activities, standards for deposited material and the protection of soil, water, air, public health, plants and animals.

  7. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act amends: (a) the Soil Protection Act in various provisions in relation with the making of Orders and by inserting new sections 12A and 12B concerning the regulation by Order of the use of construction materials and dredging mud in the subsoil and a certain discretionary power of competent authorities to decide to grant exemptions from certain restrictions; (b) the Environment Protection by amending in section 1 the definition of “useful application”; and (c) the Act on Pollution of Surface Waters in section 2A in relation with the making of Orders and in section 2C concerning the ap

  8. Library Resource
    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    The amendments concern the application of provisions of building laws for the protection of landscape. Such provisions shall not apply to areas for which a general or detailed plan is in force. The other amendment prohibits the installing of advertisement constructions, etc. outside areas the planning of which is governed by a detailed plan.

    Amends: Nature Conservation Act (No. 1096 of 1996). (2011-06-10)

  9. Library Resource

    Markanvändnings- och bygglag.

    Finland, Europe, Northern Europe

    The objective of this Act is to ensure that the use of land and water areas and building activities on them create preconditions for a favourable living environment and promote ecologically, economically, socially and culturally sustainable development. The Act also aims to ensure that everyone has the right to participate in the preparation process, and that planning is high quality and interactive, that expertise is comprehensive and that there is open provision of information on matters being processed. Objectives in land use planning are set out in section 5.

  10. Library Resource
    Italy, Europe, Southern Europe

    In accordance with articles 44 and 129 of the Constitution, this Act pursues the development of mountain areas by encouraging the participation of local communities (by creating Mountain Communities) in the drafting and implementation of development programmes and territorial plans relevant to their respective mountain districts. For this purpose, the Act boosts the removal of socio-economic imbalance and inequities between mountain areas and national territories other than mountain areas (art. 2). The Act is divided into five Titles.

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