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  1. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Act concerns Agrarian Reform. It consists of 51 articles laying down general principles in order to manage this sector: land expropriation requirements, agricultural land use, land rights, land concession, lease, etc.

    Implemented by: Decree-Law No. 12/91 regulating the right of use of expropriated lands. (1991-01-09)
    Amended by: Act No. 46/90 amending Act No. 109/88 on Agrarian Reform. (1990-08-22)

  2. Library Resource

    Legge n. 107: Istituzione della Commissione per le Politiche Territoriali.

    San Marino, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Act sets up the Commission for Territorial Policies, which shall operate as an advisory and technical institution in matters related to land-use planning. The Commission shall contribute to the drawing up of the general town planning scheme and special planning schemes.

  3. Library Resource

    Wet van 17 februari 2007, houdende wijziging van de Wet ammoniak en veehouderij.

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act amends the Act containing rules regarding the emission of ammoniac from animal keeping premises belonging to the livestock sector in provisions concerning the granting of permissions pursuant to the Environment Protection Act as far as they concern the emission of ammoniac from animal keeping premises of the livestock sector. These amendments, among other things, appoint the provincial government as the authority to designate vulnerable areas for purposes of granting permissions and set out the criteria for such designation.

  4. Library Resource

    Legge n. 10: Norme per lo sviluppo degli spazi verdi urbani.

    Italy, Europe, Southern Europe

    The aim of this Act is the promotion and development of green spaces in urban areas. The Municipalities shall be responsible for developing urban green spaces within their territories, whilst a special committee under the Ministry of the Environment shall exercise monitoring functions.

  5. Library Resource

    Lov om forpakting.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act regulates agreements of lease of real property used for agricultural or forestry purposes and other matters regarding the relationship between lessor and lessee. Section 1 defines the application sphere of the Act. The rules laid down by this Act cannot be excluded by agreements, unless the Act expressly provides so. Lease contracts shall be made in writing (sect. 3). The owner of the land object of the agreements shall submit the agreement to the municipality within a month of entry into force (sect. 4).

  6. Library Resource

    Lov om skjønn og ekspropriasjonssaker.

    Norway, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act makes provision for the expropriation of private land for public purposes. It consists of 59 sections which are divided into 2 Chapters: Appraisal (I); Procedures relative to expropriation (II).Chapter I provides for the appraisal of real property either by judicial decision or by the Office of the County Chief. Appraisal of the property shall take place in the district in which the property is situated. Appraisal officials shall be appointed in each district. Appraisal and valuation can be requested by owners or shall be done pursuant to law or agreement.

  7. Library Resource

    1997. évi LXXVIII. törvény az épített környezet alakításáról és védelméről

    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The purpose of the regulation of urban areas is to achieve rational use of the built environment and infrastructure; regulate local constructions; develop and protect natural and artificial environment; harmonize national, regional, local and private interests. In accordance with national rules on construction, local governments define their own rules.

  8. Library Resource
    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The purpose of this Law is the establishment of market oriented conditions in the agricultural sector based on private ownership. Land transfer and the use of land as guarantee for land-based credit should promote the efficient operation of new businesses. This Law basically regulates the use of arable land and aims to create landed properties suitable for competitive agricultural production, avoiding to burden land with the effects of excessive subdivision.

  9. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act imposes cadastre tax applicable to owners of properties in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg Municipality in regards to land development.

  10. Library Resource

    Bekendtgørelse af lov om afgift ved udstykning.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act gives guidelines on land development taxation, which is exempt if the property is developed in connection with a sale. This Act imposes cadastre tax applicable to owners of properties in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg Municipality whereby its subdivision and land registry is equivalent to a taxation of 5 000 DKK for each property developed. Taxation under this Act shall be paid, although it is provided for remission of duty to public in other legislations.

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