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  1. Library Resource

    Zakon kterym se upravuji nektere otazky souvisejici se zakonem o uprave vlastnickych vztahu k pude a jinemu zemedelskemu majetku.

    Czech Republic, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act lays down detailed provisions to implement the Act on the relations of ownership of land and other agrarian property. In particular, it defines the competences and tasks of the Czech Republic administrative authorities, with specific regard to those pertaining to the Ministry of Agriculture.

    Implements: Regulation of the relations of ownership of land and other agrarian property (Act of 21 May 1991). (1991-05-21)

  2. Library Resource
    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The aim of the Act is to establish the principal rules in connection with the protection, preservation and planned development of the human environment for the purpose of the protection of people's health and the regular improvement of living conditions. Chapter II of the Act sets out detailed rules concerning the protection of the elements of environment, i.e. land, water, air, biosphere, landscape and human habitations. Chapter III deals with the responsibility in case of violation of the provisions concerning environmental protection.

  3. Library Resource
    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Act is divided into six Parts as follows: Preamble (1); Ownership (2), divided into the following chapters: General rules (I), State ownership (II), Cooperative ownership (III), Private ownership (IV), Special rules concerning acquisition of land; Use of Land (3), divided into the following chapters: Joint use with a farmers' agricultural cooperative (VII), Indemnification in case of certain rights of use of public interest. Part 4 deals with the exchange of land (X), Land/estate reallocation (XI).

  4. Library Resource

    Wet ter uitvoering van titel 7.5 (Pacht) van het Burgerlijk Wetboek inzake de samenstelling en werkwijze van de grondkamers en de centrale grondkamer(Uitvoeringswet grondkamers).

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act carries into effect provisions of Title 7.5 of the Civil Code (on land lease), which incorporates provisions of the land Lease Act which has been repealed at the coming into force of the Title. The provisions here implemented concerning Land Tribunals to be designated by the Crown. There shall also be a Central Land Tribunal. The Land Tribunal shall have jurisdiction in applications for the approval of (modification or ending) land lease agreements.

  5. Library Resource

    Zakon o zruseni Statniho fondu pro zurodneni pudy.

    Czech Republic, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act sets up the State Fund for Soil Improvement. It also lays down amendments to the the Act on conditions of converting agricultural and forest lands from ownership of the state to other persons and to the Agriculture Law. As from 1 January 2006, the State Fund of Soil Improvement takes over the rights and obligations pertaining to the Ministry of Agriculture in matter of soil improvement.

  6. Library Resource

    1997. évi CXLI. törvény az ingatlan-nyilvántartásról

    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act is divided in three Parts. Part One deals with Introductory Provisions and, in particular, with the electronic processing of records and data, and sets out the principles of real estate registration. Part Two regards the system of real estate registration and it has three Chapters determining the contents of real estate registers and the method of registration. Part Three consists of five Chapters which regard registration proceedings, legal remedy, use of data from real estate registers, rules on special procedures, and closing provisions.

  7. Library Resource

    Wet houdende regeling van het agrarisch grondverkeer (Wet agrarisch grondverkeer).

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act provides for monitoring and control of the alienation of agricultural lands and nature areas for purposes of a balanced market development and to ensure the priority right of acquisition of agricultural lands and nature areas by the Office for the Administration of Agricultural Land. Agricultural land includes land used for silviculture. The Act defines rules relative to transactions affecting agricultural land and nature areas. A contract concerning the transfer of land requires approval of the Land Chamber.

  8. Library Resource

    Wet houdende regelen inzake het verplaatsen van de produktie van dierlijke meststoffen (Wet verplaatsing mestproduktie).

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    The term "moving" is intended in this Act as "with the use of a non-tied fertilizer production right in accordance with provisions of this Act and in deviation of provisions of the Fertilizer Act, move to another location to produce organic fertilizer" (art. 1). Moving of production is only allowed in accordance with provisions of this Act. Moving to certain areas in the Netherlands is restricted by article 4. The Act provides also for the notification of moving and the registration of non-tied production rights.

  9. Library Resource

    Wet houdende regeling van sommige van landgoederen geheven belastingen tot bevordering van behoud van natuurschoon.

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act concerns a special taxation regime for certain country estates for purposes of protection of the natural environment and landscape in the Netherlands. The owner of an estate may apply to the Minister so as to qualify the estate to fall with the application of this Act. Tax exemptions shall be disapplied and tax must be paid in cases when the conditions and criteria formulated under this Act cease to exist or certain requirements have not been observed by owners.

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