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  1. Library Resource
    August, 2004

    The present Regulation establishes the mechanism of elaboration of the land use planning projects on the territories of protected areas, and territories of recreation and cultural heritage. The aforesaid land use planning projects shall be elaborated in conformity with: 1) decision by rural administration, local self-government, regional, district of city administration authorized to make decisions as regards the allotment of the plots of land; 2) contract concluded between landowner, land tenant and the developers of the land use planning projects; 3) sentence of the court.

  2. Library Resource
    July, 2017

    La presente Ley del Suelo y de los Espacios Naturales Protegidos de Canarias, tiene por objeto regular en el ámbito de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias: 1) El régimen jurídico general de los recursos naturales, en particular del suelo, la ordenación del territorio y la ordenación urbanística; 2) La coordinación de las políticas públicas relativas a la planificación y gestión del territorio y a la protección del medioambiente; 3) La intervención en las actividades públicas y privadas con incidencia relevante sobre el territorio y los recursos naturales; 4) La protección de la legalidad urba

  3. Library Resource
    January, 2008

    The present Ordinance enforces the Burgenland Building Law (LGBl. No. 10/1998). In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Ordinance also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Ordinance.

  4. Library Resource
    July, 2006

    This Regulation of the Minister of the Environment establishes: the list of substances particularly harmful to water environments and causing water pollution; rules on sewage testing; methods of analysis and procedure for verifying if the conditions are fulfilled; conditions which must fulfilled when inserting sewage into water or soil, including maximum permitted values of pollution and conditions applicable to the agricultural use of sewage.

  5. Library Resource
    February, 2016

    Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Leaseholder of a plot of agricultural land pertaining to public or municipal ownership shall have the right of purchase of such plot of land in ownership on condition of proper use of such plot of land upon expiry of three-year period from the date of conclusion of lease contract set forth as percentage related to cadastre value and depending upon expiry of lease periods”.

    Amends: Regional Law No. 667-OZ “On some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”. (2015-03-18)

  6. Library Resource
    December, 1991

    The Act regulates simplified procedure for proving unlawfulness of expropriation of property in Estonia. If a natural person having been the owner of property was forced to abandon his or her property during the period between 16 June 1940 and 1 January 1954 due to escaping from his or her place of residence or the location of property or in connection with refusing to return to Estonia while staying abroad, the property must be deemed to be abandoned due to a real danger of repression.

  7. Library Resource
    July, 2016

    This Federal Law regulates relations originating from state cadastre valuation of the territory of the Russian Federation. The state cadastre valuation is conducted on the basis of the principles of the uniformity of the methodology for determining cadastral value, the continuity of the updating of the information necessary for determining the cadastral value, independence and openness of state cadastral valuation procedures at each stage of their implementation, economic feasibility and verifiability of re-assessment of cadastral value.

  8. Library Resource
    June, 1991

    The Law determines principles for land use and land survey in Latvia. Its purpose is to protect the rights of land users and regulate the basic regulations for land use. The norms of this Law are applicable if the Law on Completion of State and Local Government Property Privatisation and Utilisation of Privatisation Certificates does not prescribe otherwise.

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