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  1. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    "Construction Materials" are defined as materials used in a construction and in which the content of calcium, silicium and aluminium together is more than 10 percent. Article 2 provides for analysis of contents of the materials aforementioned in construction materials. Article 3 indicates the competent authorities for purposes of this Regulation. Construction materials may be used only on or in the soil if the compounds of the material are analysed by the competent institution (art. 9). Chapter III provides for the use of construction materials in surface waters.

  2. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    The Regulations are amended so as to provide certain exceptions on the obligation to low-emission use of organic manure or other organic fertilizing substances so as to extend the period of use which prevents or limits soil erosion. This Regulation also extends the period in every year in which manure or other organic fertilizers may be distributed. In addition a minor modification of a definition is made.

    Amends: Decree No. 86 of 1998 Quality and Use of Remaining Organic Fertilizing Substances. (1998-01-30)

  3. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Regulation implements that part of the EC Council "Groundwater Directive" (80/68/EC) which concerns the infiltration of water. Infiltration in this Regulation has the same meaning as in article 1 of the Groundwater Act. This Regulation restricts the powers of provincial authorities to grant permits for infiltration of water. This may be done only if no danger is to be expected of pollution of groundwater.

  4. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    Regulation made under the fertilizing Substances Act. The Regulation makes provision for a system of reporting on and registration of production of organic fertilizer. Yearly communication of production date shall be made by producers to the District Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture (art. 2). The amount of fertilizing substance shall be expressed in the quantity of phosphate (art. 4). Registration takes places also for purposes of the imposition of several charges. (10 articles)

  5. Library Resource

    Wet houdende regelen inzake het verplaatsen van de produktie van dierlijke meststoffen (Wet verplaatsing mestproduktie).

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    The term "moving" is intended in this Act as "with the use of a non-tied fertilizer production right in accordance with provisions of this Act and in deviation of provisions of the Fertilizer Act, move to another location to produce organic fertilizer" (art. 1). Moving of production is only allowed in accordance with provisions of this Act. Moving to certain areas in the Netherlands is restricted by article 4. The Act provides also for the notification of moving and the registration of non-tied production rights.

  6. Library Resource

    Wet houdende regelen inzake bescherming van de bodem (Wet bodembescherming).

    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act makes provision for measures concerning protection of the soil. Some provisions concern infiltration of water and the protection of groundwater. Chapter I contains definitions. Under Chapter II a Technical Commission for Soil Protection is established. The Commission consists of soil protection specialists and shall advise the Minister on soil protection issues. Chapter III contains general regulations for the protection of the soil. The regulation of various matters is delegated to the Minister of Environment Protection.

  7. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    The amendments of the Soil Protection concern Provincial Orders in relation to soil protection surveys, ascertainment of serious pollution, financial matters, hearing of the Technical Commission on Soil Protection on draft Ministerial Orders, and competencies of Municipalities and Polder Boards. Amendments of the Environment Protection Act concern only references made to (amendments of) the Soil Protection Act.

  8. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    "Discharge" is defined in article 2 as the bringing into the soil of liquids for as a permanent solution. The Decree does not apply to discharge of surface water, rain or drinking water, or groundwater, to which no pollutant are added and is not heated, and to irrigation for agricultural purposes (art. 2). Chapter II places limits on smaller discharge of household waste water. Chapter III places limits on larger discharge of household waste water. Permit, for Chapter IV, provides for the discharge of cooling water and other liquids.

  9. Library Resource

    An Act to make further provision with respect to tenancies which include agricultural land.

    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    An Act to make provision for farm business tenancies which begin after 1 September 1995. Section 4 excludes in part the Agricultural Holding Act, 1986 to tenancies covered by the present Act. Sections 5 to 7 provide rules for the termination of tenancies. Tenancies continuing for more than two years shall afterwards continue from year to year unless terminated by notice (sect. 5). Section 8 recognizes the right of a tenant to remove buildings and fixtures.

  10. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    "Land amelioration" is defined in section 2 as "the drainage, irrigation or double-purpose regulation of water conditions, also the application of agromeliorative or land cultivation measures". Another key term used in this Law, "Amelioration System" (abbreviated "AS") is defined as "the complex of buildings and constructions for drainage, irrigation or double regulation of water conditions". This Law makes provisions in 25 sections for the construction, ownership, use and maintenance of Amelioration Systems and the creation of Amelioration Associations.

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