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  1. Library Resource
    Czech Republic, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act amends five points of the Act on conditions of converting agricultural and forest lands from ownership of the state to other persons and amending Act on the Land fund of the Czech Republic. In particular, the Act amends conditions of selling agricultural land and forest land to self-employed farmers, land owners, corporate partners, members of cooperate bodies and beneficiaries.

    Amends: Act on the transfer of agricultural and forest public lands and amending the Act on the Land Fund of the Czech Republic. (1999-04-28)

  2. Library Resource

    Lov om ændring af lov om planlægning og lov om naturbeskyttelse.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Act partly amends the Planning Act (inserting a new article 5, repealing art. 15, section 2, No. 22) and the Nature Conservation Act (inserting a new article 65a, and sections in article 78) with regard to experimental provisions for coastal and nature tourism activities and repealing the opportunity to plan for low-energy houses in local plans thereafter.

    Amends: Planning Act (No. 587 of 2013). (2013-05-27)
    Amends: Nature Conservation Act (No. 951 of 2013). (2013-07-03)

  3. Library Resource

    Lov om ændring af lov om Natur- og Miljøklagenævnet og forskellige andre love.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act amends certain acts in the environment sector. Specifically, it is a reform of appeals on nature and environment, such as the addition/amendment of regulations concerning the registration and submission of appeals to the respective authorities responsible for the legal administration of cases - see Natural and Environmental Appeal Board.

  4. Library Resource
    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    It applies to the separation of sectoral activities such as measurement of the Danish land by the Survey and Cadastre Authority.

    Implemented by: Order No. 1062 repealing article 2a of the Map and Cadastre Act. (2004-11-03)
    Amends: Map and Cadastre Act (No. 749 of 1988). (1988-12-07)

  5. Library Resource

    Zákon, kterým se zákon o hnojivech.

    Czech Republic, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act lays down some amendments to Fertilizers Act. In particular the present Act amends provisions concerning decisions on registration of fertilizers (art. 5 of the amended Act).

    Amends: Fertilizers Act. (1998-06-12)

  6. Library Resource
    March, 2017
    Czech Republic

    This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to Fertilizers Act. In particular, the present Act provides details on reporting on mutually recognized fertilizers (supplemented art. 3b) and details on the register of fertilizers (replaced art. 6) containing registered and recognized fertilizers and auxiliary substances.

    Amends: Fertilizers Act. (1998-06-12)

  7. Library Resource
    November, 2015

    This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to Fertilizers Act. In particular the amended art.3a defines requirements for secondary source of nutrients and compost, amended art 4 provides details on the register of certified fertilizers and register of mutually recognized fertilizers, and supplemented art. 5a regulates registration of fertilizers marketed in another Member State of the European Union.

  8. Library Resource
    Poland, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Act lays down some amendments and addenda to Environment Protection Act.

  9. Library Resource

    Lov om ændring af lov om miljøbeskyttelse og lov om planlægning.

    Denmark, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act partly amends the Environment Protection Act and Planning Act, in particular Act No. 879, where the Ministry of Environment's review on the modifications, expansions and installations of facilities carrying out waste services (art. 7). As well as (art. 89b) the Ministry's establishing rules with regard to procedures in cases regulated by other legislations. In Act No. 587, the amendments concern the insertion of art.

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