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  1. Library Resource
    November, 2003

    This Regional Law establishes the particulars of turnover of agricultural land, including privatization of agricultural land pertaining to public and municipal property. It determines that minimum land area of consolidated agricultural land plot shall be two hectares, while minimum land area of consolidated agricultural land plot in case of irrigation by stationary sprinklers or drained land shall be no less than 50 hectares and in case of irrigation by mobile sprinklers shall be no less than 10 hectares.

  2. Library Resource
    November, 2011

    This Regional Law establishes the cases and the procedure of allotment free of charge in ownership to citizens having three and more children of the plots of land pertaining to state and municipal property, and it also establishes minimum and maximum land area (dimensions) of such land plots. The aforesaid plots of land shall be allotted for individual residential housing construction and subsidiary smallholding.

  3. Library Resource
    May, 2003

    This Regional Law regulates the issues of allotment free of charge to citizens in ownership of land plots pertaining to state and municipal property. The aforesaid allotment shall be performed once only to citizens that had in actual use, before entry into force of the Land Code, the aforesaid land plots for the purpose individual residential housing construction, smallholding and gardening without legal registration of land rights in due course. This Regional Law classifies categories of citizens having the right to land allotment.

  4. Library Resource
    January, 1983

    This Decree declares that the right to undertake a real property intervention (encroachment) as foreseen in section 2 of the Act relative to the expropriation of real property may be assigned to anybody.

    Implements: Act No. 3 of 1959 relative to the expropriation of real property. (2011-03-03)

  5. Library Resource
    June, 2017

    These Regulations, established by Royal Decree pursuant to Act No. 71 of 2008 and the EEA Agreement Annex XX No. 1 letter a (Directive 2014/52/EU) and no. 1 letter g (Directive 2001/42/EC), seek to ensure that consideration for the environment and society is taken into account during the preparation of plans and initiatives, and when considering and on what conditions plans or initiatives may be implemented.

  6. Library Resource
    December, 2016

    Item 4.9 shall be amended to add the following wording: “National budget shall finance mapping of the boundaries of land plots allotted to peasant farms for family farming, legalization of rights to agricultural land plots and bonus payment to purchase prices applicable for purchase of agricultural commodities form smallholders”.

    Amends: Decree No. 16 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food validating the Instruction on financing out of national budget agricultural production, fishfarming and processing of agricultural commodities. (2016-04-29)

  7. Library Resource
    February, 1997

    The Law provides rules on different types of protection zones, protected areas, and protection strips, which are specified in laws and other regulatory enactments. Its purpose is to determine the types of protection zones and the functions thereof; the basic principles for the establishment of protection zones; the procedures for the maintenance and control of the condition of protection zones; and restrictions of economic activity in protection zones.

  8. Library Resource
    October, 2014

    The Law determines principles for land management in Latvia. Its purpose is to promote sustainable use and protection of land.

  9. Library Resource
    December, 2005

    This Law provides rules on the national real estate cadastre of Latvia. Its purpose is to ensure society with updated cadastre information regarding all real estate in the State territory, objects thereof, parts of land parcels and owners, lawful possessors, users, renters thereof.

  10. Library Resource
    September, 2006

    The Law determines principles for land use planning in Latvia. Its purpose is to promote the arrangement of land properties and a sustainable utilisation of the land resources, by determining types of land use planning work, implementation provisions, and the tasks and duties of persons involved in a land use planning. According to the Law, land use planning includes the development of a land use planning project; and the specification of types of land use.

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