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Showing items 1 through 9 of 6039.
  1. Library Resource
    Belgium, Europe, Western Europe

    La présente loi, qui abroge la loi du 25 juin 1956 sur le remembrement légal de biens ruraux, traite du remembrement des terres morcelées et des terres dispersées en vue d'assurer, dans l'intérêt général, une exploitation plus économique des biens ruraux. Les opérations envisagées pourront être accompagnées de travaux d'aménagement et d'améliorations foncières: drainage, irrigation, défrichement, adduction d'eau et d'électricité.

  2. Library Resource
    Belgium, Europe, Western Europe

    Cette loi porte des mesures particulières en matière de remembrement légal de biens ruraux lors de l'exécution de grands travaux d'infrastructure. En attendant qu'intervienne le remembrement légal il peut être procédé à un échange d'exploitation des biens ruraux et, à ces fins, un comité d'échange est constitué. La loi indique la composition et les compétences du comité et fixe les modalités d'exécution du plan d'échange.

  3. Library Resource
    Belgium, Europe, Western Europe

    Cette loi porte le régime général de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme. Le titre I, relatif à l'aménagement du territoire, porte les dispositions concernant les plans régionaux, les plans de secteur, les plans communaux, les expropriations et indemnités, le remembrement et le relotissement. Le titre II est relatif au permis de bâtir et ses dispositions concernent la délivrance du permis, l'introduction et l'instruction des demandes et des recours. Le titre III est relatif au permis de lotir.

  4. Library Resource
    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The aim of this Act is to re-establish protected areas on land previously owned by agricultural cooperatives before privatization. This goal is achieved through: expropriation, if the area has already been assigned to a private owner; or by not assigning such lands to private owners. Paragraphs 2-4 deal with cases in which expropriation is not obligatory and with cases in which compensation should be paid to the owner. Expropriation should be carried out, at the latest, within 3 years from the entry into force of this Act.

  5. Library Resource
    Netherlands, Europe, Western Europe

    This Act amends provisions of the principal Act with the scope of bringing about improvement of the offer of arable land including land suitable for fast growing timber forestry. Provisions deal with revision of lease rates, alienation of land within 10 years after acquisition with preferential rights by former leaseholders, public lease, special short-term lease contracts, protection of leaseholders against strict terms imposed by landlords and other connected matters. (5 articles)

  6. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    The Regulation on the Building Cadastre is divided into 8 Chapters: General aspects (I); Support (II); Execution of cadastre (III); Cadastre modernization (IV); Cadastre's conservation (V); Exercise of cadastral activities by other entities (VI); Product and service supply (VII); Sanctions and controls (VIII). (44 articles)

  7. Library Resource
    Spain, Europe, Southern Europe

    El Jurado de Expropiación de Cataluña es un órgano colegiado permanente de naturaleza administrativa, con funciones de tasación, peritaje y fijación del justiprecio en los procedimientos expropiatorios que lleven a cabo, en el ámbito territorial de Cataluña, la Administración de la Generalidad de Cataluña, los organismos autónomos y otros organismos dependientes de la misma, así como los procedimientos expropiatorios que lleven a cabo los entes locales de Cataluña que tienen atribuida potestad expropiatoria.

  8. Library Resource
    Spain, Europe, Southern Europe

    La Ley consta de 10 títulos, 118 artículos, 4 disposiciones adicionales, 3 transitorias, una derogatoria y 5 finales.

  9. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Land Reform Act determines the bases for restructuring relations regarding land (land reform). Based on the continuity of rights of former owners and the interests of current land users that are protected by law, and to establish preconditions for more effective use of land, the objective of land reform is to transform relations based on state ownership of land into relations primarily based on private ownership of land.

  10. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    Land tax is a tax based on the assessed value of land.Land tax is calculated on the basis of information received from the corresponding local government. Land tax is imposed on all land, except land specified in § 4 of this Act. The Law provides for the taxation of land. The tax shall consist of a state and a local land tax, and originates from the taxable price of land (art. 1). The tax shall be imposed on whole land except for the lands exempted in article 4 (art. 2). The tax shall be paid by the owner.

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