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  1. Library Resource
    Moldova, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Law regulates the use, management and protection of natural resources in the interest of ecological safety and economic development. It is composed of ten chapters and four annexes. After defining and classifying natural resources (renewable, non-renewable, national, local, reserved and protected, curative, i.e. used for prevention and treatment of illnesses) (chaps. 1 and 2).

  2. Library Resource
    Moldova, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The aim of this Law is to define the basic concepts and procedures for the privatisation of property in Moldova. All branches of the country's economic, cultural and social sectors are open to privatisation, except national defence, cultural heritage, state monopolies and property which supplies part of the "state-guaranteed minimun free social services" (art. 2). Funds obtained from privatisation go to form the "Republic Privatization Fund" (art. 6). The Moldova State Department for Privatisation, a special agency accountable to the Parliament, is created (art. 7).

  3. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    The aid granted under these Regulations aims at the management of land of broadleaved woodland compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment the beneficiaries of aid shall conclude an agreement with the Secretary of State in which management requirements laid down in the Schedule to these Regulations are included.

  4. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations provide for aid to eligible persons, defined in regulation 2, who undertake not to use eligible land for agricultural purposes for a period of 10 years. The beneficiary agrees with the Secretary of State upon a programme of management for the land and shall comply with obligations undertaken under these Regulations.

  5. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations implement Community legislation on agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the countryside. The Regulations provide for the payment of aid to eligible persons who in respect of eligible land undertake not to use such land for agricultural production for a period of 20 years and to manage the land in accordance with the requirements set out in the Schedule to the Regulations with the purpose of maintaining, improving or protecting a wildlife habitat.

  6. Library Resource
    Moldova, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Decree implements the Law on Privatization of 1992, further detailing certain competencies and duties of the Government in the privatization process and repealing obsolete land tenure laws.

    Implements: Law on Privatisation of 1991. (1991-07-04)

  7. Library Resource
    Moldova, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Law determines tenure regimes and property relations in the Republic of Moldova. Property rights may be exercised on land, undergroundwaters, flora and fauna, immovables, equipment, elements of "spiritual and material culture", money, securities as well as on intellectual property. It is divided as follows: General provisions (chap. 1); Private property (chap. 2); Collective property (chap. 3); State property (chap. 4); Property of foreign states, citizens and legal persons, of international organizations and of persons without citizenship (chap.

  8. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations add a new payment rate for aid for set-aside land managed in accordance with the management obligations in the principal Regulations 1994. Now the beneficiary may alter the area of land to be counted as set-aside land during the management period. Requirements concerning information to be included in the application for aid are also amended. The provisions regarding recovery are altered so as to give the Minister power to recover the difference between the old and the new payment rate. (9 regulations)

  9. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations prohibit the burning on agricultural land of crop residues listed in Schedule 1, unless the burning is required for a specific purpose (Reg. 4). The Regulations also impose restrictions and requirements in relation to the burning of linseed residues and some exempted burning and these restrictions and requirements are set out in Schedule 2. Burning crop residues in contravention to these Regulations is declared an offence. (6 Regulations and 2 Schedules)

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