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  1. Library Resource

    ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВА КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ "О материальной ответственности за ущерб, причиненный порчей земель" г.Бишкек, Дом Правительства от 7 сентября 2004 года N 668 (В редакции постановления Правительства КР от 27 сентября 2006 года N...

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    This Ministerial Decree establishes liability of enterprises, organizations and other economic entities action/inaction of which have caused soil deterioration and that shall be liable to pay compensation for inflicted damages to soil in accordance with the rates set by Annexes 1 and 2.

  2. Library Resource
    Ireland, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations amend the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 in provisions relation to, among other things, environmental impact assessment for peat extraction so as to facilitate consideration of the need for the assessment of projects which are likely to have significant effects on the environment according to the criteria set out in Schedule 7 of the Regulations.

  3. Library Resource
    Latvia, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Cabinet Regulation establishes the procedures for the development, public consultations, implementation and monitoring of the national spatial plan. The national spatial plan is an aggregate of documents, which includes: (a) the long-term spatial development prospects for Latvia; (b) binding parts of the national spatial plan; and (c) guidelines for the national spatial plan.

  4. Library Resource
    Ireland, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations amend the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 by modifying the scales of location maps to be used in areas other than built-up areas. The details to be indicated on location maps to be submitted with a planning application are also modified.

    Amends: Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No. 600 of 2001). (2001-12-19)

  5. Library Resource
    Ireland, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations implement provisions of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 in relation with, among other things, control of development, exempted development, environmental impact assessments, coastal zone development control and plans and guidelines for development.

  6. Library Resource

    ПОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВА РЕСПУБЛИКИ МОЛДОВА о порядке ведения государственного земельного кадастра в Республике Молдова Nr.665 от 28.11.91

    Moldova, Eastern Europe, Europe

    This Ministerial Decree establishes that heads of enterprises, organizations and institutions irrespectively of departmental subordination and individual farmers and also bodies of local self-government shall submit to the executive bodies of urban centres reports on changes in the composition of the plots of land to the date of 1 January. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food shall submit to the Government by 30 March general report on availability of land, soil quality and land tenure.

  7. Library Resource
    Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    In accordance with this Regulation the licensed activity is sub-divided in two groups: a) inspection of agricultural land for the purpose of the exposure of the eroded, saline, swamped soils; desertified soils, sedimentary soils, as a result of mining, reindeer pastures with the soil and vegetation damaged; b) soils contaminated by industrial waste and nuclear substances. The Regulation consists of 4 Sections. Section 1 lays down the general provisions. Section 2 establishes the modalities of issuing licences. Section 3 determines the rights and the duties of the holders of licence.

  8. Library Resource
    Portugal, Southern Europe, Europe

    This Decree regulates the Regional Management Plan for Algarve (PROT-Algarve). It consists of 6 chapters and 1 table establishing the objectives of the said Plan, which shall be drawn-up in order to: a) establish a strategy for the natural resource development and explotation within this area; b) protect and valorize the Region of Algarve; c) regulate soil use and transformation in order to develop the potentialities of this coastal area; d) preserve natural heritage; e) enforce regional plans for land management; f) enforce regional projects, etc.

  9. Library Resource
    Switzerland, Europe, Western Europe

    Le présent règlement met en execution l’article 18 de la loi d’application de la législation fédérale sur les sites contaminés du 31 janvier 2003. Notamment, le règlement régit les émoluments requis pour les prestations du service concernant la gestion du cadastre des sites pollués. Le texte comprend 14 articles répartis en 4 chapitres comme suit: Dispositions generals (Ier); Montant des emoluments; Exemption d’émoluments (III); Voies de recours (IV).

    Met en oeuvre: Loi d'application de la législation fédérale sur les sites contaminés. (2015-01-23)

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