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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    December, 2015

    This report’s starting point is thus to
    acknowledge that despite Sweden’s many virtues, there are
    areas in which it can do better, and the task has been to
    identify those areas, focusing particularly on the quality
    of the investment climate and competitiveness. This has been
    done in two main ways. First, by looking at areas of the
    business environment captured by databases compiled in the
    World Bank Group’s Global Indicators Group—Doing Business,

  2. Library Resource
    October, 2013

    The note first presents a brief overview
    of the Croatian railway sector, listing the main challenges
    that it is currently facing, and identifying the main areas
    of intervention for the development of a financially
    sustainable sector, which should guide any thorough sector
    reform program in the long-run. Sector governance challenges
    are presented, outlining the sector's high dependency
    on state support, its organizational weaknesses, and its

  3. Library Resource
    September, 2013

    Inappropriate regulation can influence
    productivity performance by affecting incentives to invest
    and adopt new technologies, as well as by directly curbing
    competitive pressures. Results of a labor productivity
    growth model for European countries suggest that improving
    the regulatory environment -- proxied by the Worldwide
    Governance Indicators regulatory quality indicator -- and
    boosting effective exposure to competition through

  4. Library Resource
    November, 2013
    North Macedonia

    Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of
    Macedonia has closed several gaps in gender inequalities,
    particularly in education and health, but key disparities
    persist in access to economic opportunities and agency,
    particularly among certain ethnic groups. This report
    provides an overview of gender disparities in several
    outcomes related to human and physical endowments, access to
    economic opportunities, and agency. In addition, it offers

  5. Library Resource
    June, 2014

    This economy profile presents the Doing
    Business indicators for Moldova. In a series of annual
    reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
    domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
    10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
    business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
    This year's report data cover regulations measured from
    June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

  6. Library Resource
    June, 2014

    This economy profile presents the Doing
    Business indicators for Switzerland. In a series of annual
    reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
    domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
    10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
    business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
    This year's report data cover regulations measured from
    June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

  7. Library Resource
    June, 2014

    This economy profile presents the Doing
    Business indicators for Ukraine. In a series of annual
    reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
    domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
    10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
    business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
    This year's report data cover regulations measured from
    June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

  8. Library Resource
    February, 2014

    In order to have both dynamic and better
    balanced growth, Serbia needs to rely more on exports. In
    the last decade, Serbia's growth has depended primarily
    on demand that was fueled by excessive debt finance. In the
    future, the Serbian economy would be better served by
    increasing its reliance on exports as a new, potentially
    powerful source of growth. Serbia's export share of
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is currently 25 percent, but

  9. Library Resource
    April, 2014

    The energy sector rapid assessment was
    conducted by the World Bank for the Government of Romania,
    as part of an advisory services program on climate change
    and low carbon green growth. The objective of this
    assessment is to identify climate change related investment
    priorities and necessary implementation support for the
    2014-2020 operational programs, with a view to achieving the
    European Union (EU) 2020 targets and laying a foundation for

  10. Library Resource
    April, 2014

    Long-term economic growth is the key
    driver for increasing the economic wellbeing of the
    population, but the pattern and the incidence of growth also
    matter. Economic growth narrowly based on certain enclave
    sectors or benefitting small groups is neither socially
    stable nor sustainable. Along these lines, the World Bank
    recently revised its institutional strategy, establishing
    two goals, namely: (i) ending extreme global poverty, the

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