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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    April, 2015

    The current report is a milestone for
    preparing the Romanian climate change (CC) action plan. A CC
    action plan should be based on the consolidation and
    coordination of both mitigation and adaptation measures and
    options. An important step in the elaboration of such a plan
    is the selection of appropriate actions. This selection
    requires the involvement of competent authorities in the key
    sectors, including, in the case of Romania, transport,

  2. Library Resource
    March, 2012
    Asia, Central Asia, Europe

    The countries of Central and Eastern
    Europe and Central Asia have a long history of striving for
    gender equality, especially in the public sphere. Not only
    was this an important goal during the socialist era, but
    governments continued to pursue gender equality even during
    the difficult years of transition. The governments in the
    region allocated substantial resources toward the health and
    education of both women and men. They also adopted

  3. Library Resource
    March, 2012

    This report looks beyond the current
    global financial crisis to the restoration of dynamic
    long-run growth in Serbia. The answer in this report is that
    Serbia will need to fundamentally alter its growth model to
    compete effectively in world markets. The past model relying
    on excessive inflows of capital and credit that, in part,
    fuelled a consumption boom has run its course in all
    European countries. Serbia must shift to a greater export

  4. Library Resource
    Policy Papers & Briefs
    June, 2012
    Asia, Central Asia, Europe, Eastern Europe

    Greenhouse gas emissions are largely determined by how energy is created and used, and policies designed to encourage mitigation efforts reflect this reality. However, an unintended consequence of an energy-focused strategy is that the set of policy instruments needed to tap mitigation opportunities in agriculture is incomplete. In particular, market-linked incentives to achieve mitigation targets are disconnected from efforts to better manage carbon sequestered in agricultural land.

  5. Library Resource
    January, 2013
    Albania, Global

    Despite several attempts at reform,
    immovable property rights in Albania are not adequately
    secure and represent an important governance challenge.
    Problems have resulted from incomplete first title
    registration, the lack of accurate cadastral records, and,
    in many cases, the absence of reliable evidence of
    ownership. Although Albania has adopted legislation calling
    for restitution or compensation for owners whose property

  6. Library Resource
    September, 2014

    This report is based on research conducted throughout 2011–2012 in cooperation
    with Ukrainian agricultural producer Mriya Agro Holding to assess
    the country’s potential for producing cellulose from straw.
    The objective of this report is to demonstrate – for the country’s decisionmakers,
    agribusinesses, paper-industry players and financial institutions –
    how Ukraine’s available supply of straw could be efficiently used to produce
    paper and cardboard, through the implementation of a major straw-tocellulose

  7. Library Resource
    October, 2013
    Asia, Central Asia, Europe

    Like other regions, Eastern Europe and
    Central Asia is vulnerable to climate change and its
    potential socioeconomic impacts. While all countries are
    facing warmer temperatures, a changing hydrology, and more
    extreme events (for example, floods and droughts) and are
    concerned about the level of greenhouse gases in the
    atmosphere, they differ in their financial and institutional
    capacities to respond. Therefore, especially for the most

  8. Library Resource
    October, 2013

    The main objective of the assessment is
    to determine how Poland's environmental and social
    safeguard systems can be used in place of the corresponding
    Bank safeguards, at sector, sub-national, or country level,
    and how it will apply to current and future Bank-financed
    operations in Poland. This assessment will be done through a
    safeguard diagnostic review which involves: (i) an
    equivalence analysis, to determine if the Poland legal and

  9. Library Resource
    June, 2014

    This economy profile presents the Doing
    Business indicators for Austria. In a series of annual
    reports, Doing Business assesses regulations affecting
    domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the economies in
    10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a
    business, resolving insolvency and trading across borders.
    This year's report data cover regulations measured from
    June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the 11th edition

  10. Library Resource
    June, 2014
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    This economy profile presents the Doing
    Business indicators for Bosnia and Herzegovina. In a series
    of annual reports, Doing Business assesses regulations
    affecting domestic firms in 189 economies and ranks the
    economies in 10 areas of business regulation, such as
    starting a business, resolving insolvency and trading across
    borders. This year's report data cover regulations
    measured from June 2012 through May 2013. The report is the

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