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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    January, 2022

    Despite the potential of the agriculture sector in Africa to meet global food demands, performance across key areas has remained low. Farmers and market systems continue to be inhibited by fragmentation, poor efficiency of value chains, and limited resilience against climate shocks. The ones that suffer the most from these inefficiencies and threats are smallholder farmers. The potential impact of targeting these market gaps is immense.

  2. Library Resource
    January, 2021

    This report presents the RE-IMAGINE research in one of its four regions: South Asia. RE-IMAGINE builds on climate foresight expertise of the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Program and analyses the role of foresight in climate governance across the globe. Scenarios and many other methods and tools are used today to imagine climate futures and develop strategies for realizing new futures while governing climate change.

  3. Library Resource
    January, 2020

    This study aims to describe recent developments in the Southern African region by documenting a set of mega-trends defining social, economic, political and environmental conditions. It includes analysis of the recent past as well as projections of future trends. To the extent possible, the report is based on information from 2010 to the present, except in some cases where more recent information was not available.

  4. Library Resource
    January, 2022
    United Kingdom

    This chapter presents a definition of 'scaling' and outlines the key elements for success based on the experiences gained from Africa RISING research and dissemination in East and Southern Africa (ESA). Three examples are presented: (a) research and development partnerships; (b) community based scaling through seed systems; and (c) outdoor advertising for orange-fleshed sweet potato. It presents experiences and lessons learned from using these approaches to transfer and scale the technologies.

  5. Library Resource
    January, 2022

    A companion to the OECD States of Fragility 2022 report, this paper analyses the drivers and effects of climate and environmental risks in the Sahel,focusing on increasing food insecurity, rapid urbanisation and intensified mining. It outlines options for improved policy responses by providers of development co-operation.

  6. Library Resource
    January, 2020

    This working paper presents results of an impact assessment of management innovations that were introduced in agricultural carbon projects in East Africa. We evaluated the effect of project design, management, and monitoring transfer of responsibilities to local communities on the performance of agricultural carbon projects. The assessment included the economic, social, and environmental impacts of the projects on the smallholder farmers.

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