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  1. Library Resource
    January, 2021

    Sustainable Public Food Procurement (PFP) represents a key game changer for food systems transformation. It can influence both food consumption and food production patterns. It can deliver multiple social, economic and environmental benefits towards sustainable food systems for healthy diets. This publication aims to contribute to the improved understanding, dissemination and use of PFP as a development tool in particular in the case of school meals programmes.

  2. Library Resource
    January, 2021

    Sustainable Public Food Procurement (PFP) represents a key game changer for food systems transformation. It can influence both food consumption and food production patterns. It can deliver multiple social, economic and environmental benefits towards sustainable food systems for healthy diets.
    This publication aims to contribute to the improved understanding, dissemination and use of PFP as a development tool in particular in the case of school meals programmes.

  3. Library Resource
    January, 2021

    In South Asia, the CGIAR-led innovation of bundled agricultural technologies (including index-based flood insurance, climate resilient seeds and agroclimatic services), relying on advanced tools and modeling including satellite data, speeded payouts to over 15,000 flood-affected farm households, indirectly benefitting another 125,000 farmers who learned from participating neighbors. Governments and insurance companies are beginning to scale out these new products to farmers, including women, in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka.

  4. Library Resource
    January, 2020

    Our program-level ToC is reassessed annually to accurately reflect new information (e.g. new bilateral projects) and new understanding (e.g. of how WLE delivers outcomes and impacts). 2020 adjustments applied across WLE’s flagships (FPs) include:
    ● A focus on three ‘foundational’ impact pathways: (1) transdisciplinary innovation; (2) policy
    influence; (3) brokering practices and technologies and enhancing implementation capacity.
    ● Encouraging WLE interventions to address both equity and sustainability.

  5. Library Resource
    January, 2022

    ClimBeR Governance 4 Resilience (Work Package 4) developed a framework to scale innovations for transformative impact. The framework has four elements: 1) Changing the narrative, 2) Deepening the analysis, 3) Strengthening the alliances, 4) The process of change: applying lessons learned. This framework is being applied to ClimBeR research on governance in Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, Guatemala and the Philippines.

  6. Library Resource
    January, 2020

    Domestication of indigenous Son tra or H’mong apple fruits has resulted in higher yields of superior, more marketable fruits while helping in soil conservation efforts in the North-West region of Vietnam. FTA supported partnerships, helped develop and scale adoption of superior son tra genotypes by smallholder farmers and government-led land restoration initiatives.

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