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  1. Library Resource
    Legal guide on land consolidation

    Based on regulatory practices in Europe

    Manuals & Guidelines
    Legislation & Policies
    February, 2020
    Central Asia, Europe

    Land consolidation is a highly effective land management instrument that allows for the improvement of the structure of agricultural holdings and farms in a country, which increases their economic and social efficiency and brings benefits both to right holders as well as to society in general. Since land consolidation gives mobility to land ownership and other land rights, it may also facilitate the allocation of new areas with specific purposes other than agriculture, such as for public infrastructure or nature protection and restoration.

  2. Library Resource
    Правовое руководство по земельной консолидации

    Правовое руководство по земельной консолидации

    Manuals & Guidelines
    Policy Papers & Briefs
    February, 2020
    Central Asia, Europe

    Консолидация земель - это высокоэффективный инструмент управления земельными ресурсами, который позволяет улучшить структуру сельскохозяйственных угодий и ферм в стране, что повышает их экономическую и социальную эффективность и приносит пользу как правообладателям, так и обществу в целом. Поскольку консолидация земель дает мобильность землевладению и другим правам на землю, она также может способствовать выделению новых территорий с особыми целями, отличными от сельского хозяйства, например, для общественной инфраструктуры или охраны и восстановления природы.

  3. Library Resource
    economic smallholders - FAO

    An analysis based on household data from nine countries

    Reports & Research
    March, 2015
    Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Albania

    About two-thirds of the developing world’s 3 billion rural people live in about 475 million small farm households, working on land plots smaller than 2 hectares. 1 Many are poor and food insecure and have limited access to markets and services. Their choices are constrained, but they farm their land and produce food for a substantial proportion of the world’s population. Besides farming they have multiple economic activities, often in the informal economy, to contribute towards their small incomes.

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