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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    March, 2014
    Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany

    Transportation has always played a
    fundamental role in the formation of cities. Ports evolved
    where rivers flowed into the ocean or at the confluence of
    major rivers; sleepy outposts at the junction of major roads
    became bustling trading hubs. Although this relationship
    between transportation and development has been evident
    since the creation of the earliest urban societies, all
    previous conceptions of the city were made obsolete by the

  2. Library Resource
    August, 2014

    The transport sector is an important
    economic sector in Belarus, contributing 6.7 percent of
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2008 and 6.6 percent in
    2009. Belarus has been a net exporter of practically all
    modes of transport services. The country serves as a transit
    transport corridor between the European Union (EU) and
    Russia and potentially between the EU and Asia; thus, the
    strategic geographical location of Belarus places the

  3. Library Resource
    August, 2012
    North Macedonia

    Before 2005, FYR Macedonia did not have
    a well-functioning property registration system and citizens
    did not have secure property rights. Since the start of the
    World Bank-funded Real Estate Cadastre and Registration
    Project (RECRP) in Macedonia in 2005, registered property
    transactions in the country have increased by 121 percent;
    there were 93,240 registered transactions in 2009 compared
    with 42,116 in 2005. Annual mortgages registered in the land

  4. Library Resource
    February, 2013
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

    This report highlights deficiencies and
    indicates priorities for a prospective national transport
    strategy and action plan for further consideration by key
    stakeholders. The overall objective should be the
    development of a transport system, and an institutional
    framework, that facilitates rather than constrains, economic
    development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A strong transport
    system contributes to economic growth by reducing the

  5. Library Resource
    February, 2013
    Asia, Central Asia, Europe

    This report shows that trends in farm
    mechanization are attributable to differing approaches to
    reform and differing agricultural resource endowments. The
    level of reform determines the pattern and extent to which
    labor and capital change, with land reform and commodity
    market liberalization as the underlying forces for change.
    These reforms substantially raise the incentives to invest
    as a means to increase productivity and incomes. In

  6. Library Resource
    February, 2013

    The Romanian government recognizes that
    there are current and future problems related to the risk of
    old-age poverty among elderly farmers, and has been working
    on sustainable solutions to avert this risk. The main
    objective of this report is to provide recommendations to
    the policy makers in Romania in designing a non-contributory
    program for poor elderly, including farmers. To this end,
    the report (i) evaluates the current semi-subsistence

  7. Library Resource
    March, 2013

    This study was carried out in three
    stages during 2009 through April 2011. The main objective
    of the study is to determine, on the basis of usage of
    qualitative data collection methods, impact of the economic
    crisis on the most vulnerable population groups, as well as
    to monitor dynamics of changes in the lives of the
    respondents by consistently comparing the results of each of
    the consecutive stages of the project study. The study

  8. Library Resource
    April, 2013
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    The agricultural season in Bosnia and
    Herzegovina (BH) begins earlier than in most European
    countries, shipping costs are relatively low, and land and
    labor prices are more favorable than in other southern
    European countries. As a result, the country's
    agriculture sector should be well positioned to compete on
    the export markets. With 20.6 percent of all employed in BH,
    agriculture remains an important sector for employment,

  9. Library Resource
    March, 2012
    Global, Moldova

    This report argues that in the future
    Moldova will need to develop a second engine of growth from
    exports of goods and services. We argue that Moldova needs
    to resurrect agro-based exports, to raise their value by
    exporting to higher value markets, and develop service
    exports in order to provide job opportunities for
    underemployed tertiary graduates. To be successful in doing
    so, the government will need to implement deep fiscal and

  10. Library Resource
    March, 2012

    Although Bulgaria now implements the
    European Union's (EU's) "common"
    agricultural policy (CAP), national policymakers still
    maintain responsibility to tailor CAP implementation to meet
    the specific development needs of the country. The National
    Rural Development Program (NRDP) very appropriately lays out
    the challenges that Bulgarian agriculture and rural
    development face, but the early implementation of a

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