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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    February, 2013
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

    This report highlights deficiencies and
    indicates priorities for a prospective national transport
    strategy and action plan for further consideration by key
    stakeholders. The overall objective should be the
    development of a transport system, and an institutional
    framework, that facilitates rather than constrains, economic
    development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A strong transport
    system contributes to economic growth by reducing the

  2. Library Resource
    March, 2013

    Reducing poverty continues to be one of
    the main priorities of the Government of Albania. Currently,
    Albania has an ample platform to provide social protection
    to its citizens through social insurance, social assistance
    and employment programs. However, these programs are not
    efficiently linked to each other, which can lead to unclear
    and occasionally overlapping roles among the programs. Among
    these social protection programs, Ndihma Ekonomike (NE) is

  3. Library Resource
    August, 2014

    The agri-food sector is an important
    part of the Ukrainian economy. Agriculture could make an
    even larger contribution to economic growth and the vitality
    of rural areas in Ukraine than is currently the case.
    Ukraine has the agro-climatic potential to be a major player
    on world agricultural markets. Agricultural competitiveness
    in Ukraine also suffers from inadequate systems to test and
    document food product quality and food safety.

  4. Library Resource
    March, 2012

    The government has embarked upon a
    comprehensive and difficult medium term program for
    reforming the public sector aimed at rebalancing the
    relation between revenue and spending and enhancing the
    efficiency and efficacy of service delivery. The Romanian
    economy has been hit hard by the global economic downturn.
    Latest estimates suggest that real Gross Domestic Product
    (GDP) may have contracted by around 7 percent in 2009,

  5. Library Resource
    March, 2012

    This paper examines product market
    policies in Croatia by benchmarking them to OECD countries
    and highlighting how policies that are more conducive to
    competition would stimulate a more efficient allocation of
    resources and, in consequence, facilitate convergence to
    higher income levels. OECD indicators of overall regulation
    in product markets indicate that Croatias policies in 2007
    were generally more restrictive of competition than were the

  6. Library Resource
    May, 2012
    Africa, South Africa, Brazil, China, India, Poland

    This book, Financing cities, emphasized
    case studies on different topics to look at the interactions
    of a range of variables and factors and to see how they fit
    together. Rather than require each case to follow the same
    format, the authors have structured their papers around the
    issues that matter most from their perspective in addressing
    the topic in hand. The first part of this book presents case
    studies describing the framework established at the national

  7. Library Resource
    February, 2013
    Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe

    This report highlights deficiencies and
    indicates priorities for a prospective national transport
    strategy and action plan for further consideration by key
    stakeholders. The overall objective should be the
    development of a transport system, and an institutional
    framework, that facilitates rather than constrains, economic
    development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A strong transport
    system contributes to economic growth by reducing the

  8. Library Resource
    March, 2013

    Big cities are becoming even bigger and
    these have been and will be the key drivers of economic
    growth in Serbia. Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis and Kragujevac,
    Serbia's four largest cities contributed to about 60
    percent of the increase of value added in the economy over
    the period 2001-2008. These four largest cities in 2008
    accounted for about two thirds of country s economy. Spatial
    characteristics of foreign direct investments inflow,

  9. Library Resource
    March, 2012
    North Macedonia

    This report deals with medium and
    long-term growth issues rather than the challenges posed by
    the world financial crisis, the structural policy options
    presented in the report become even more important in that
    context, and can help to partially mitigate the impact of
    the crisis on Macedonia. Section B looks at poverty and
    inequality issues. Section C examines Macedonia's past
    growth in terms of total factor productivity analysis,

  10. Library Resource
    March, 2012
    North Macedonia

    This poverty assessment report is based
    upon pre-crisis data for the period 2002-2006. Though some
    may have reservations that this information base is not well
    suited to informing public policy choices of today, this
    view would be short-sighted. Economic development is not an
    overnight occurrence. It is also not something that can be
    reversed through an economic shock, no matter how virulent.
    The analysis of data from the first half of this decade

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